# Trello Bot Just some trello functions because i don't want to lean Automations.... # Functions ## reset-daily-tasks Add a Label with the text "Daily" and a colome with the Text "ToDo", it will move all card with the label to thiw collume if run, so best run its every day ... ## remove-done-cards Remove cards from the "Done" list which are older than 7 days ## move-backlog-card-with-date Move all cards in the Backlog where the due date is in the past to the "ToDo" list and remove the due date. Move the cards with due date in the Back log list to the end of the list. Add a text comment. ## unassign-cards Assign all card with have no assign user to the user how run the script # Example Cron setup ``` */5 * * * * /home/pi/trello-bot-pi move-backlog-card-with-date 0 5 * * * /home/pi/trello-bot-pi reset-daily-tasks 0 5 * * * /home/pi/trello-bot-pi remove-done-cards */5 * * * * /home/pi/trello-bot-pi unassign-cards ```