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// Copyright (c) 2022 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package crypto
import (
// Deprecated: moved to id.Device
type DeviceIdentity = id.Device
var ErrGroupSessionWithheld = errors.New("group session has been withheld")
// Store is used by OlmMachine to store Olm and Megolm sessions, user device lists and message indices.
// General implementation details:
// * Get methods should not return errors if the requested data does not exist in the store, they should simply return nil.
// * Update methods may assume that the pointer is the same as what has earlier been added to or fetched from the store.
type Store interface {
// Flush ensures that everything in the store is persisted to disk.
// This doesn't have to do anything, e.g. for database-backed implementations that persist everything immediately.
Flush() error
// PutAccount updates the OlmAccount in the store.
PutAccount(*OlmAccount) error
// GetAccount returns the OlmAccount in the store that was previously inserted with PutAccount.
GetAccount() (*OlmAccount, error)
// AddSession inserts an Olm session into the store.
AddSession(id.SenderKey, *OlmSession) error
// HasSession returns whether or not the store has an Olm session with the given sender key.
HasSession(id.SenderKey) bool
// GetSessions returns all Olm sessions in the store with the given sender key.
GetSessions(id.SenderKey) (OlmSessionList, error)
// GetLatestSession returns the session with the highest session ID (lexiographically sorting).
// It's usually safe to return the most recently added session if sorting by session ID is too difficult.
GetLatestSession(id.SenderKey) (*OlmSession, error)
// UpdateSession updates a session that has previously been inserted with AddSession.
UpdateSession(id.SenderKey, *OlmSession) error
// PutGroupSession inserts an inbound Megolm session into the store. If an earlier withhold event has been inserted
// with PutWithheldGroupSession, this call should replace that. However, PutWithheldGroupSession must not replace
// sessions inserted with this call.
PutGroupSession(id.RoomID, id.SenderKey, id.SessionID, *InboundGroupSession) error
// GetGroupSession gets an inbound Megolm session from the store. If the group session has been withheld
// (i.e. a room key withheld event has been saved with PutWithheldGroupSession), this should return the
// ErrGroupSessionWithheld error. The caller may use GetWithheldGroupSession to find more details.
GetGroupSession(id.RoomID, id.SenderKey, id.SessionID) (*InboundGroupSession, error)
// PutWithheldGroupSession tells the store that a specific Megolm session was withheld.
PutWithheldGroupSession(event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent) error
// GetWithheldGroupSession gets the event content that was previously inserted with PutWithheldGroupSession.
GetWithheldGroupSession(id.RoomID, id.SenderKey, id.SessionID) (*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent, error)
// GetGroupSessionsForRoom gets all the inbound Megolm sessions for a specific room. This is used for creating key
// export files. Unlike GetGroupSession, this should not return any errors about withheld keys.
GetGroupSessionsForRoom(id.RoomID) ([]*InboundGroupSession, error)
// GetAllGroupSessions gets all the inbound Megolm sessions in the store. This is used for creating key export
// files. Unlike GetGroupSession, this should not return any errors about withheld keys.
GetAllGroupSessions() ([]*InboundGroupSession, error)
// AddOutboundGroupSession inserts the given outbound Megolm session into the store.
// The store should index inserted sessions by the RoomID field to support getting and removing sessions.
// There will only be one outbound session per room ID at a time.
AddOutboundGroupSession(*OutboundGroupSession) error
// UpdateOutboundGroupSession updates the given outbound Megolm session in the store.
UpdateOutboundGroupSession(*OutboundGroupSession) error
// GetOutboundGroupSession gets the stored outbound Megolm session for the given room ID from the store.
GetOutboundGroupSession(id.RoomID) (*OutboundGroupSession, error)
// RemoveOutboundGroupSession removes the stored outbound Megolm session for the given room ID.
RemoveOutboundGroupSession(id.RoomID) error
// ValidateMessageIndex validates that the given message details aren't from a replay attack.
// Implementations should store a map from (senderKey, sessionID, index) to (eventID, timestamp), then use that map
// to check whether or not the message index is valid:
// * If the map key doesn't exist, the given values should be stored and this should return true.
// * If the map key exists and the stored values match the given values, this should return true.
// * If the map key exists, but the stored values do not match the given values, this should return false.
ValidateMessageIndex(senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, eventID id.EventID, index uint, timestamp int64) (bool, error)
// GetDevices returns a map from device ID to DeviceIdentity containing all devices of a given user.
GetDevices(id.UserID) (map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device, error)
// GetDevice returns a specific device of a given user.
GetDevice(id.UserID, id.DeviceID) (*id.Device, error)
// PutDevice stores a single device for a user, replacing it if it exists already.
PutDevice(id.UserID, *id.Device) error
// PutDevices overrides the stored device list for the given user with the given list.
PutDevices(id.UserID, map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device) error
// FindDeviceByKey finds a specific device by its identity key.
FindDeviceByKey(id.UserID, id.IdentityKey) (*id.Device, error)
// FilterTrackedUsers returns a filtered version of the given list that only includes user IDs whose device lists
// have been stored with PutDevices. A user is considered tracked even if the PutDevices list was empty.
FilterTrackedUsers([]id.UserID) ([]id.UserID, error)
// PutCrossSigningKey stores a cross-signing key of some user along with its usage.
PutCrossSigningKey(id.UserID, id.CrossSigningUsage, id.Ed25519) error
// GetCrossSigningKeys retrieves a user's stored cross-signing keys.
GetCrossSigningKeys(id.UserID) (map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey, error)
// PutSignature stores a signature of a cross-signing or device key along with the signer's user ID and key.
PutSignature(signedUser id.UserID, signedKey id.Ed25519, signerUser id.UserID, signerKey id.Ed25519, signature string) error
// IsKeySignedBy returns whether a cross-signing or device key is signed by the given signer.
IsKeySignedBy(userID id.UserID, key id.Ed25519, signedByUser id.UserID, signedByKey id.Ed25519) (bool, error)
// DropSignaturesByKey deletes the signatures made by the given user and key from the store. It returns the number of signatures deleted.
DropSignaturesByKey(id.UserID, id.Ed25519) (int64, error)
type messageIndexKey struct {
SenderKey id.SenderKey
SessionID id.SessionID
Index uint
type messageIndexValue struct {
EventID id.EventID
Timestamp int64
// GobStore is a simple Store implementation that dumps everything into a .gob file.
// Deprecated: this is not atomic and can lose data. Using SQLCryptoStore or a custom implementation is recommended.
type GobStore struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
path string
Account *OlmAccount
Sessions map[id.SenderKey]OlmSessionList
GroupSessions map[id.RoomID]map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*InboundGroupSession
WithheldGroupSessions map[id.RoomID]map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent
OutGroupSessions map[id.RoomID]*OutboundGroupSession
MessageIndices map[messageIndexKey]messageIndexValue
Devices map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device
CrossSigningKeys map[id.UserID]map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey
KeySignatures map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]string
var _ Store = (*GobStore)(nil)
// NewGobStore creates a new GobStore that saves everything to the given file.
// Deprecated: this is not atomic and can lose data. Using SQLCryptoStore or a custom implementation is recommended.
func NewGobStore(path string) (*GobStore, error) {
gs := &GobStore{
path: path,
Sessions: make(map[id.SenderKey]OlmSessionList),
GroupSessions: make(map[id.RoomID]map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*InboundGroupSession),
WithheldGroupSessions: make(map[id.RoomID]map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent),
OutGroupSessions: make(map[id.RoomID]*OutboundGroupSession),
MessageIndices: make(map[messageIndexKey]messageIndexValue),
Devices: make(map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device),
CrossSigningKeys: make(map[id.UserID]map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey),
KeySignatures: make(map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]string),
return gs, gs.load()
func (gs *GobStore) save() error {
file, err := os.OpenFile(gs.path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
return err
err = gob.NewEncoder(file).Encode(gs)
_ = file.Close()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) load() error {
file, err := os.OpenFile(gs.path, os.O_RDONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
err = gob.NewDecoder(file).Decode(gs)
_ = file.Close()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) Flush() error {
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetAccount() (*OlmAccount, error) {
return gs.Account, nil
func (gs *GobStore) PutAccount(account *OlmAccount) error {
gs.Account = account
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetSessions(senderKey id.SenderKey) (OlmSessionList, error) {
sessions, ok := gs.Sessions[senderKey]
if !ok {
sessions = []*OlmSession{}
gs.Sessions[senderKey] = sessions
return sessions, nil
func (gs *GobStore) AddSession(senderKey id.SenderKey, session *OlmSession) error {
sessions, _ := gs.Sessions[senderKey]
gs.Sessions[senderKey] = append(sessions, session)
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) UpdateSession(_ id.SenderKey, _ *OlmSession) error {
// we don't need to do anything here because the session is a pointer and already stored in our map
return gs.save()
func (gs *GobStore) HasSession(senderKey id.SenderKey) bool {
sessions, ok := gs.Sessions[senderKey]
return ok && len(sessions) > 0 && !sessions[0].Expired()
func (gs *GobStore) GetLatestSession(senderKey id.SenderKey) (*OlmSession, error) {
sessions, ok := gs.Sessions[senderKey]
if !ok || len(sessions) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return sessions[0], nil
func (gs *GobStore) getGroupSessions(roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey) map[id.SessionID]*InboundGroupSession {
room, ok := gs.GroupSessions[roomID]
if !ok {
room = make(map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*InboundGroupSession)
gs.GroupSessions[roomID] = room
sender, ok := room[senderKey]
if !ok {
sender = make(map[id.SessionID]*InboundGroupSession)
room[senderKey] = sender
return sender
func (gs *GobStore) PutGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, igs *InboundGroupSession) error {
gs.getGroupSessions(roomID, senderKey)[sessionID] = igs
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID) (*InboundGroupSession, error) {
session, ok := gs.getGroupSessions(roomID, senderKey)[sessionID]
if !ok {
withheld, ok := gs.getWithheldGroupSessions(roomID, senderKey)[sessionID]
if ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w (%s)", ErrGroupSessionWithheld, withheld.Code)
return nil, nil
return session, nil
func (gs *GobStore) getWithheldGroupSessions(roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey) map[id.SessionID]*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent {
room, ok := gs.WithheldGroupSessions[roomID]
if !ok {
room = make(map[id.SenderKey]map[id.SessionID]*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent)
gs.WithheldGroupSessions[roomID] = room
sender, ok := room[senderKey]
if !ok {
sender = make(map[id.SessionID]*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent)
room[senderKey] = sender
return sender
func (gs *GobStore) PutWithheldGroupSession(content event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent) error {
gs.getWithheldGroupSessions(content.RoomID, content.SenderKey)[content.SessionID] = &content
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetWithheldGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID) (*event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent, error) {
session, ok := gs.getWithheldGroupSessions(roomID, senderKey)[sessionID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return session, nil
func (gs *GobStore) GetGroupSessionsForRoom(roomID id.RoomID) ([]*InboundGroupSession, error) {
defer gs.lock.Unlock()
room, ok := gs.GroupSessions[roomID]
if !ok {
return []*InboundGroupSession{}, nil
var result []*InboundGroupSession
for _, sessions := range room {
for _, session := range sessions {
result = append(result, session)
return result, nil
func (gs *GobStore) GetAllGroupSessions() ([]*InboundGroupSession, error) {
var result []*InboundGroupSession
for _, room := range gs.GroupSessions {
for _, sessions := range room {
for _, session := range sessions {
result = append(result, session)
return result, nil
func (gs *GobStore) AddOutboundGroupSession(session *OutboundGroupSession) error {
gs.OutGroupSessions[session.RoomID] = session
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) UpdateOutboundGroupSession(_ *OutboundGroupSession) error {
// we don't need to do anything here because the session is a pointer and already stored in our map
return gs.save()
func (gs *GobStore) GetOutboundGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID) (*OutboundGroupSession, error) {
session, ok := gs.OutGroupSessions[roomID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return session, nil
func (gs *GobStore) RemoveOutboundGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID) error {
session, ok := gs.OutGroupSessions[roomID]
if !ok || session == nil {
return nil
delete(gs.OutGroupSessions, roomID)
return nil
func (gs *GobStore) ValidateMessageIndex(senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, eventID id.EventID, index uint, timestamp int64) (bool, error) {
defer gs.lock.Unlock()
key := messageIndexKey{
SenderKey: senderKey,
SessionID: sessionID,
Index: index,
val, ok := gs.MessageIndices[key]
if !ok {
gs.MessageIndices[key] = messageIndexValue{
EventID: eventID,
Timestamp: timestamp,
_ = gs.save()
return true, nil
if val.EventID != eventID || val.Timestamp != timestamp {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (gs *GobStore) GetDevices(userID id.UserID) (map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device, error) {
devices, ok := gs.Devices[userID]
if !ok {
devices = nil
return devices, nil
func (gs *GobStore) GetDevice(userID id.UserID, deviceID id.DeviceID) (*id.Device, error) {
defer gs.lock.RUnlock()
devices, ok := gs.Devices[userID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
device, ok := devices[deviceID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return device, nil
func (gs *GobStore) FindDeviceByKey(userID id.UserID, identityKey id.IdentityKey) (*id.Device, error) {
defer gs.lock.RUnlock()
devices, ok := gs.Devices[userID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
for _, device := range devices {
if device.IdentityKey == identityKey {
return device, nil
return nil, nil
func (gs *GobStore) PutDevice(userID id.UserID, device *id.Device) error {
devices, ok := gs.Devices[userID]
if !ok {
devices = make(map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device)
gs.Devices[userID] = devices
devices[device.DeviceID] = device
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) PutDevices(userID id.UserID, devices map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device) error {
gs.Devices[userID] = devices
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) FilterTrackedUsers(users []id.UserID) ([]id.UserID, error) {
var ptr int
for _, userID := range users {
_, ok := gs.Devices[userID]
if ok {
users[ptr] = userID
return users[:ptr], nil
func (gs *GobStore) PutCrossSigningKey(userID id.UserID, usage id.CrossSigningUsage, key id.Ed25519) error {
userKeys, ok := gs.CrossSigningKeys[userID]
if !ok {
userKeys = make(map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey)
gs.CrossSigningKeys[userID] = userKeys
existing, ok := userKeys[usage]
if ok {
existing.Key = key
userKeys[usage] = existing
} else {
userKeys[usage] = id.CrossSigningKey{
Key: key,
First: key,
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetCrossSigningKeys(userID id.UserID) (map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey, error) {
defer gs.lock.RUnlock()
keys, ok := gs.CrossSigningKeys[userID]
if !ok {
return map[id.CrossSigningUsage]id.CrossSigningKey{}, nil
return keys, nil
func (gs *GobStore) PutSignature(signedUserID id.UserID, signedKey id.Ed25519, signerUserID id.UserID, signerKey id.Ed25519, signature string) error {
signedUserSigs, ok := gs.KeySignatures[signedUserID]
if !ok {
signedUserSigs = make(map[id.Ed25519]map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]string)
gs.KeySignatures[signedUserID] = signedUserSigs
signaturesForKey, ok := signedUserSigs[signedKey]
if !ok {
signaturesForKey = make(map[id.UserID]map[id.Ed25519]string)
signedUserSigs[signedKey] = signaturesForKey
signedByUser, ok := signaturesForKey[signerUserID]
if !ok {
signedByUser = make(map[id.Ed25519]string)
signaturesForKey[signerUserID] = signedByUser
signedByUser[signerKey] = signature
err := gs.save()
return err
func (gs *GobStore) GetSignaturesForKeyBy(userID id.UserID, key id.Ed25519, signerID id.UserID) (map[id.Ed25519]string, error) {
defer gs.lock.RUnlock()
userKeys, ok := gs.KeySignatures[userID]
if !ok {
return map[id.Ed25519]string{}, nil
sigsForKey, ok := userKeys[key]
if !ok {
return map[id.Ed25519]string{}, nil
sigsBySigner, ok := sigsForKey[signerID]
if !ok {
return map[id.Ed25519]string{}, nil
return sigsBySigner, nil
func (gs *GobStore) IsKeySignedBy(userID id.UserID, key id.Ed25519, signerID id.UserID, signerKey id.Ed25519) (bool, error) {
sigs, err := gs.GetSignaturesForKeyBy(userID, key, signerID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
_, ok := sigs[signerKey]
return ok, nil
func (gs *GobStore) DropSignaturesByKey(userID id.UserID, key id.Ed25519) (int64, error) {
var count int64
for _, userSigs := range gs.KeySignatures {
for _, keySigs := range userSigs {
if signedBySigner, ok := keySigs[userID]; ok {
if _, ok := signedBySigner[key]; ok {
delete(signedBySigner, key)
return count, nil