image_id = $image_id; $this->size = $size; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { //Get Database Entitiys $image = Image::query()->where("id", "=", $this->image_id)->firstOrFail(); $gallery = Gallery::query()->where("id", "=", $image->gallery)->firstOrFail(); $tenant = Tenant::query()->where("id", "=", $gallery->tenant)->firstOrFail(); $cacheName = "cache/".$tenant->url."_".$gallery->url."_".$image->id; //Check if orginal size is cached on the current system $file = $this->getImage($tenant, $gallery, $image, $cacheName); $manager = new ImageManager(array('driver' => 'imagick')); $img = $manager->make($file); $newHeight = $img->getHeight(); $newWidth = $img->getWidth(); if($img->getWidth() > $img->getHeight()) { $newWidth = $this->size; $newHeight = $img->getHeight() * ($newWidth / $img->getWidth() ); } else { $newHeight = $this->size; $newWidth = $img->getWidth() * ($newHeight / $img->getHeight()); } $tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO").".jpg"; $img->resize($newWidth, $newHeight); //$img->blur(50); if($this->size > 500 && !is_null($tenant->watermark)) { Log::info("Add Watermark"); $cacheNameWatermark = ""; $waterMarkImage = Image::query()->where("id", "=", $tenant->watermark)->firstOrFail(); $watermarkSource = $this->getImage($tenant, $gallery, $waterMarkImage, $cacheNameWatermark); $watermark = $manager->make($watermarkSource); if($watermark->getWidth() > $img->getWidth()) { $newWidth = $img->getWidth() / 1.2; $newHeight = $watermark->getHeight() * ($newWidth / $watermark->getWidth()); $watermark->resize($newWidth, $newHeight); } if($watermark->getHeight() > $img->getHeight()) { $newHeight = $img->getHeight() / 1.1; $newWidth = $watermark->getWidth() * ($newHeight / $watermark->getHeight()); $watermark->resize($newWidth, $newHeight); } $watermark->opacity(40); $img->insert($watermark, 'center'); /* * Reddit like balken unten $img->resizeCanvas(0, 28, 'top', true, "#000000"); $img->text(''.$tenant->url, $img->getWidth() - 10, $img->getHeight() - 25, function($font) { $font->file(storage_path("OpenSans-Light.ttf")); $font->size(18); $font->color('#ffffff'); $font->align('right'); $font->valign('top'); //$font->angle(45); }); */ } else { Log::info("No Watermark"); } $img->save($tmpfname); Storage::disk("cache")->put($cacheName."_".$this->size, file_get_contents($tmpfname)); unlink($tmpfname); //Watermark //Storage::disk("cache")->put($cacheName."_".$this->size, $image->getImageAsString(IMAGETYPE_JPEG, 100)); } private function getImage(Tenant $tenant, Gallery $gallery, Image $image, $cacheName) { if (Storage::disk('cache')->exists($cacheName."_orginal")) { $file = Storage::disk("cache")->get($cacheName."_orginal"); } else { $this->addAccessLog($tenant->id, $gallery->id, $image->id, "Access", $image->size); $file = Storage::disk($image->driver)->get($image->path); if (env("CACHE_ORGINAL")) { Storage::disk("cache")->put($cacheName . "_orginal", $file); } } return $file; } private function addAccessLog(int $tenant, int $gallery, int $image, string $typ, int $size) { $access = new Access(); $access->year = date("Y"); $access->month = date("m"); $access->day = date("d"); $access->hour = date("H"); $access->image = $image; $access->gallery = $gallery; $access->tenant = $tenant; $access->typ = $typ; $access->size = $size; $access->saveOrFail(); } }