package wgfunc import ( "" "" "testing" ) import "" import "" func TestRemoveDeviceIfIPRangeInvalide(t *testing.T) { serverConfig := WireGuardConfig{ Name: "wgUnit", IPRanges: []string{"", "abc/24"}, } server, err := NewWireGuard(serverConfig) assert.Nil(t, err, "shouldn't return error while creating server") err = server.Up() if err == nil || err.Error() != "invalid CIDR address: abc/24" { t.Errorf("Should return invalide CIDR error") } foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice("wgUnit", t) assert.Falsef(t, foundDevice, "should not fount device with name wgUnit") } func TestRemoveDeviceIfPrivateKeyIsInvalide(t *testing.T) { serverConfig := WireGuardConfig{ Name: "wgUnit", IPRanges: []string{""}, } server, err := NewWireGuard(serverConfig) assert.Nil(t, err, "shouldn't return error while creating server") err = server.Up() if err == nil || err.Error() != "wgtypes: incorrect key size: 0" { t.Errorf("Should return invalide key size error") } foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice("wgUnit", t) assert.Falsef(t, foundDevice, "should not fount device with name wgUnit") } func TestCantRunSetupWireguardTwice(t *testing.T) { server := WireGuard{} = "wgUnit" key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create private key") server.wgConfig.PrivateKey = &key err = server.Up() if err == nil || err.Error() != "Wireguard already setedup" { t.Errorf("Should fail setup wireguard if privatkey is already set") } foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice("wgUnit", t) assert.Falsef(t, foundDevice, "should not fount device with name wgUnit") } func TestNoWireguardDevicesExists(t *testing.T) { client, err := wgctrl.New() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create wgctrl client") devices, err := client.Devices() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant get devices from wgctrl client") assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(devices), "there are wireguard devices") } func TestCreateWireguarderver(t *testing.T) { client, err := wgctrl.New() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create wgctrl client") key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create private key") serverConfig := WireGuardConfig{ Name: "wgUnit", IPRanges: []string{""}, Port: 54123, PrivateKey: key.String(), } server, err := NewWireGuard(serverConfig) assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create server") err = server.Up() foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice("wgUnit", t) assert.True(t, foundDevice, "should fount device with name wgUnit") devices, err := client.Devices() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant get devices from wgctrl client") assert.Equalf(t, 1, len(devices), "there are wireguard devices") helpTearDown(server, t) } func TestCantAddPeerIfServerNotUp(t *testing.T) { serverConfig := WireGuardConfig{ Name: "wgUnit", } server, err := NewWireGuard(serverConfig) assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create server") peer := PeerConfig{} err = server.AddPeer(peer) if err == nil || err.Error() != "server not up" { t.Errorf("should not be able to add peer if server is offline") } } func TestCantAddPeerIfPublicKeyIsInvalide(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: "abc", PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) if err == nil || err.Error() != "wgtypes: failed to parse base64-encoded key: illegal base64 data at input byte 0" { t.Errorf("should not be able to add peer with wrong pub key") } } func TestCantAddPeerIfPublicKeyIsEmpty(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: "", PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) if err == nil || err.Error() != "wgtypes: incorrect key size: 0" { t.Errorf("should not be able to add peer with wrong pub key") } } func TestAddPeerInvalideEndpointIP(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "abc:123", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Equalf(t, "Invalide endpoint ip", err.Error(), "shouldnt be able to add peer with invalide endpoint ip") } func TestAddPeerInvalideEndpointPort(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Equalf(t, "Cant convert port to int: strconv.Atoi: parsing \"abv\": invalid syntax", err.Error(), "shouldnt be able to add peer with invalide endpoint port") } func TestAddPeerWithEndpoitnDomain(t *testing.T) { t.Skipf("Not implemented now") server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Nil(t, err, "should be able to add peer with domain as endpoint") } func TestAddPeerWithInvalideAllowedIP(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{"10.0.g.3/32"}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Equalf(t, "invalid CIDR address: 10.0.g.3/32", err.Error(), "should not allow peer with invalide allowed ip") config = PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err = server.AddPeer(config) assert.Equalf(t, "invalid CIDR address:", err.Error(), "should not allow peer with invalide allowed ip") } func TestAddPeer(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Nil(t, err, "should be able to add peer") assert.Equalf(t, key.PublicKey().String(), server.wgConfig.Peers[0].PublicKey.String(), "public key should be in the wgConfig Object") assert.Equal(t, "", server.wgConfig.Peers[0].AllowedIPs[0].String(), "allowd ip should be set currect") } func TestRemovePeer(t *testing.T) { server := helperCreateServer(t) defer helpTearDown(server, t) key, _ := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() config := PeerConfig{ PublicKey: key.PublicKey().String(), PreSharedKey: "", AllowedIPs: []string{""}, Endpoint: "", } err := server.AddPeer(config) assert.Nil(t, err, "should be able to add peer") err = server.RemovePeer(config.PublicKey) assert.Nil(t, err, "should be able to remove peer") assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(server.wgConfig.Peers), "peer list should be empty again") } func helperCreateServer(t *testing.T) WireGuard { key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create private key") serverConfig := WireGuardConfig{ Name: "wgUnit", IPRanges: []string{""}, Port: 54123, PrivateKey: key.String(), } server, err := NewWireGuard(serverConfig) assert.Nil(t, err, "cant create server") err = server.Up() foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice("wgUnit", t) assert.True(t, foundDevice, "should fount device with name wgUnit") return server } func helpTearDown(server WireGuard, t *testing.T) { err := server.Down() assert.Nil(t, err, "should not return error while shutting down server") foundDevice := checkForNetworkDevice(, t) assert.Falsef(t, foundDevice, "device should not exist anymore") } func checkForNetworkDevice(name string, t *testing.T) bool { res, err := netlink.LinkList() assert.Nil(t, err, "shouldn't return an error return devices") foundDevice := false for _, device := range res { if device.Attrs().Name == name { foundDevice = true } } return foundDevice }