baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = 'My New Hugo Site' theme = 'hugo-blog-awesome' [[params.socialIcons]] name = "github" url = "" [[params.socialIcons]] name = "twitter" url = "" [[params.socialIcons]] name = "Rss" url = "index.xml" [menu] [[menu.main]] # The page reference (pageRef) is useful for menu highlighting # When pageRef is set, setting `url` is optional; it will be used as a fallback if the page is not found. pageRef="/" name = 'Home' url = '/' weight = 10 [[menu.main]] pageRef="posts" name = 'Posts' url = '/posts/' weight = 20 [[menu.main]] pageRef="about" name = 'About' url = '/about/' weight = 30 [params] goToTop = true