# Sample Webapplication in Go Sample Webapplication in go, create a kind of skeleton for monolith webapplicaion. Useed to create a small MVP Project. ## Structur Create (self contained) pkg for a group of pages. The pkg included the View and Go files for the Pages e.g. user pages. ## Including Packages * https://github.com/go-chi/chi -> Routing and middelware * https://github.com/go-chi/jwtauth -> For JWT Auth * https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate -> for mysql migration * https://github.com/urfave/cli -> for cli commands like migration * https://github.com/unrolled/render -> render json and html # Features ## Global Layout The "globale layout" is put arround each response from a pkg web response. It read the response buffer from and use the content to parse the layout.tmpl. It works via middelware ## JWT-Auth *todo* ## Migrations Its possitlbe to execute the migrations via `go run ./ migrate`. It execute the migration files in database/migrations/*.sql ## One Binary Everything (include templaes and migration) can be added in one binary ## Make commands * build -> Build webapp * init-dev -> Start docker copose * run-dev -> Run Webapp with reload if someting is change (air) ## Docker Image https://hub.docker.com/r/kekskurse/go-sample-webpage # Next Steps * conifg per env * argument config? * make nice user register and login page * make nice readme.md