# go-multierror [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/hashicorp/go-multierror.svg?style=flat-square)][travis] [![Go Documentation](http://img.shields.io/badge/go-documentation-blue.svg?style=flat-square)][godocs] [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/hashicorp/go-multierror [godocs]: https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror `go-multierror` is a package for Go that provides a mechanism for representing a list of `error` values as a single `error`. This allows a function in Go to return an `error` that might actually be a list of errors. If the caller knows this, they can unwrap the list and access the errors. If the caller doesn't know, the error formats to a nice human-readable format. `go-multierror` is fully compatible with the Go standard library [errors](https://golang.org/pkg/errors/) package, including the functions `As`, `Is`, and `Unwrap`. This provides a standardized approach for introspecting on error values. ## Installation and Docs Install using `go get github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror`. Full documentation is available at http://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror ## Usage go-multierror is easy to use and purposely built to be unobtrusive in existing Go applications/libraries that may not be aware of it. **Building a list of errors** The `Append` function is used to create a list of errors. This function behaves a lot like the Go built-in `append` function: it doesn't matter if the first argument is nil, a `multierror.Error`, or any other `error`, the function behaves as you would expect. ```go var result error if err := step1(); err != nil { result = multierror.Append(result, err) } if err := step2(); err != nil { result = multierror.Append(result, err) } return result ``` **Customizing the formatting of the errors** By specifying a custom `ErrorFormat`, you can customize the format of the `Error() string` function: ```go var result *multierror.Error // ... accumulate errors here, maybe using Append if result != nil { result.ErrorFormat = func([]error) string { return "errors!" } } ``` **Accessing the list of errors** `multierror.Error` implements `error` so if the caller doesn't know about multierror, it will work just fine. But if you're aware a multierror might be returned, you can use type switches to access the list of errors: ```go if err := something(); err != nil { if merr, ok := err.(*multierror.Error); ok { // Use merr.Errors } } ``` You can also use the standard [`errors.Unwrap`](https://golang.org/pkg/errors/#Unwrap) function. This will continue to unwrap into subsequent errors until none exist. **Extracting an error** The standard library [`errors.As`](https://golang.org/pkg/errors/#As) function can be used directly with a multierror to extract a specific error: ```go // Assume err is a multierror value err := somefunc() // We want to know if "err" has a "RichErrorType" in it and extract it. var errRich RichErrorType if errors.As(err, &errRich) { // It has it, and now errRich is populated. } ``` **Checking for an exact error value** Some errors are returned as exact errors such as the [`ErrNotExist`](https://golang.org/pkg/os/#pkg-variables) error in the `os` package. You can check if this error is present by using the standard [`errors.Is`](https://golang.org/pkg/errors/#Is) function. ```go // Assume err is a multierror value err := somefunc() if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { // err contains os.ErrNotExist } ``` **Returning a multierror only if there are errors** If you build a `multierror.Error`, you can use the `ErrorOrNil` function to return an `error` implementation only if there are errors to return: ```go var result *multierror.Error // ... accumulate errors here // Return the `error` only if errors were added to the multierror, otherwise // return nil since there are no errors. return result.ErrorOrNil() ```