package jwtauth import ( "context" "errors" "net/http" "strings" "time" "" "" ) type JWTAuth struct { alg jwa.SignatureAlgorithm signKey interface{} // private-key verifyKey interface{} // public-key, only used by RSA and ECDSA algorithms verifier jwt.ParseOption } var ( TokenCtxKey = &contextKey{"Token"} ErrorCtxKey = &contextKey{"Error"} ) var ( ErrUnauthorized = errors.New("token is unauthorized") ErrExpired = errors.New("token is expired") ErrNBFInvalid = errors.New("token nbf validation failed") ErrIATInvalid = errors.New("token iat validation failed") ErrNoTokenFound = errors.New("no token found") ErrAlgoInvalid = errors.New("algorithm mismatch") ) func New(alg string, signKey interface{}, verifyKey interface{}) *JWTAuth { ja := &JWTAuth{alg: jwa.SignatureAlgorithm(alg), signKey: signKey, verifyKey: verifyKey} if ja.verifyKey != nil { ja.verifier = jwt.WithVerify(ja.alg, ja.verifyKey) } else { ja.verifier = jwt.WithVerify(ja.alg, ja.signKey) } return ja } // Verifier http middleware handler will verify a JWT string from a http request. // // Verifier will search for a JWT token in a http request, in the order: // 1. 'jwt' URI query parameter // 2. 'Authorization: BEARER T' request header // 3. Cookie 'jwt' value // // The first JWT string that is found as a query parameter, authorization header // or cookie header is then decoded by the `jwt-go` library and a *jwt.Token // object is set on the request context. In the case of a signature decoding error // the Verifier will also set the error on the request context. // // The Verifier always calls the next http handler in sequence, which can either // be the generic `jwtauth.Authenticator` middleware or your own custom handler // which checks the request context jwt token and error to prepare a custom // http response. func Verifier(ja *JWTAuth) func(http.Handler) http.Handler { return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return Verify(ja, TokenFromHeader, TokenFromCookie)(next) } } func Verify(ja *JWTAuth, findTokenFns ...func(r *http.Request) string) func(http.Handler) http.Handler { return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler { hfn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() token, err := VerifyRequest(ja, r, findTokenFns...) ctx = NewContext(ctx, token, err) next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) } return http.HandlerFunc(hfn) } } func VerifyRequest(ja *JWTAuth, r *http.Request, findTokenFns ...func(r *http.Request) string) (jwt.Token, error) { var tokenString string // Extract token string from the request by calling token find functions in // the order they where provided. Further extraction stops if a function // returns a non-empty string. for _, fn := range findTokenFns { tokenString = fn(r) if tokenString != "" { break } } if tokenString == "" { return nil, ErrNoTokenFound } return VerifyToken(ja, tokenString) } func VerifyToken(ja *JWTAuth, tokenString string) (jwt.Token, error) { // Decode & verify the token token, err := ja.Decode(tokenString) if err != nil { return token, ErrorReason(err) } if token == nil { return nil, ErrUnauthorized } if err := jwt.Validate(token); err != nil { return token, ErrorReason(err) } // Valid! return token, nil } func (ja *JWTAuth) Encode(claims map[string]interface{}) (t jwt.Token, tokenString string, err error) { t = jwt.New() for k, v := range claims { t.Set(k, v) } payload, err := ja.sign(t) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } tokenString = string(payload) return } func (ja *JWTAuth) Decode(tokenString string) (jwt.Token, error) { return ja.parse([]byte(tokenString)) } func (ja *JWTAuth) sign(token jwt.Token) ([]byte, error) { return jwt.Sign(token, ja.alg, ja.signKey) } func (ja *JWTAuth) parse(payload []byte) (jwt.Token, error) { return jwt.Parse(payload, ja.verifier) } // ErrorReason will normalize the error message from the underlining // jwt library func ErrorReason(err error) error { switch err.Error() { case "exp not satisfied", ErrExpired.Error(): return ErrExpired case "iat not satisfied", ErrIATInvalid.Error(): return ErrIATInvalid case "nbf not satisfied", ErrNBFInvalid.Error(): return ErrNBFInvalid default: return ErrUnauthorized } } // Authenticator is a default authentication middleware to enforce access from the // Verifier middleware request context values. The Authenticator sends a 401 Unauthorized // response for any unverified tokens and passes the good ones through. It's just fine // until you decide to write something similar and customize your client response. func Authenticator(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { token, _, err := FromContext(r.Context()) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), 401) return } if token == nil || jwt.Validate(token) != nil { http.Error(w, http.StatusText(401), 401) return } // Token is authenticated, pass it through next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func NewContext(ctx context.Context, t jwt.Token, err error) context.Context { ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, TokenCtxKey, t) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ErrorCtxKey, err) return ctx } func FromContext(ctx context.Context) (jwt.Token, map[string]interface{}, error) { token, _ := ctx.Value(TokenCtxKey).(jwt.Token) var err error var claims map[string]interface{} if token != nil { claims, err = token.AsMap(context.Background()) if err != nil { return token, nil, err } } else { claims = map[string]interface{}{} } err, _ = ctx.Value(ErrorCtxKey).(error) return token, claims, err } // UnixTime returns the given time in UTC milliseconds func UnixTime(tm time.Time) int64 { return tm.UTC().Unix() } // EpochNow is a helper function that returns the NumericDate time value used by the spec func EpochNow() int64 { return time.Now().UTC().Unix() } // ExpireIn is a helper function to return calculated time in the future for "exp" claim func ExpireIn(tm time.Duration) int64 { return EpochNow() + int64(tm.Seconds()) } // Set issued at ("iat") to specified time in the claims func SetIssuedAt(claims map[string]interface{}, tm time.Time) { claims["iat"] = tm.UTC().Unix() } // Set issued at ("iat") to present time in the claims func SetIssuedNow(claims map[string]interface{}) { claims["iat"] = EpochNow() } // Set expiry ("exp") in the claims func SetExpiry(claims map[string]interface{}, tm time.Time) { claims["exp"] = tm.UTC().Unix() } // Set expiry ("exp") in the claims to some duration from the present time func SetExpiryIn(claims map[string]interface{}, tm time.Duration) { claims["exp"] = ExpireIn(tm) } // TokenFromCookie tries to retreive the token string from a cookie named // "jwt". func TokenFromCookie(r *http.Request) string { cookie, err := r.Cookie("jwt") if err != nil { return "" } return cookie.Value } // TokenFromHeader tries to retreive the token string from the // "Authorization" reqeust header: "Authorization: BEARER T". func TokenFromHeader(r *http.Request) string { // Get token from authorization header. bearer := r.Header.Get("Authorization") if len(bearer) > 7 && strings.ToUpper(bearer[0:6]) == "BEARER" { return bearer[7:] } return "" } // TokenFromQuery tries to retreive the token string from the "jwt" URI // query parameter. // // To use it, build our own middleware handler, such as: // // func Verifier(ja *JWTAuth) func(http.Handler) http.Handler { // return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler { // return Verify(ja, TokenFromQuery, TokenFromHeader, TokenFromCookie)(next) // } // } func TokenFromQuery(r *http.Request) string { // Get token from query param named "jwt". return r.URL.Query().Get("jwt") } // contextKey is a value for use with context.WithValue. It's used as // a pointer so it fits in an interface{} without allocation. This technique // for defining context keys was copied from Go 1.7's new use of context in net/http. type contextKey struct { name string } func (k *contextKey) String() string { return "jwtauth context value " + }