package jws import ( "bytes" "context" "" "" "" "" "" ) func NewSignature() *Signature { return &Signature{} } func (s Signature) PublicHeaders() Headers { return s.headers } func (s *Signature) SetPublicHeaders(v Headers) *Signature { s.headers = v return s } func (s Signature) ProtectedHeaders() Headers { return s.protected } func (s *Signature) SetProtectedHeaders(v Headers) *Signature { s.protected = v return s } func (s Signature) Signature() []byte { return s.signature } func (s *Signature) SetSignature(v []byte) *Signature { s.signature = v return s } // Sign populates the signature field, with a signature generated by // given the signer object and payload. // // The first return value is the raw signature in binary format. // The second return value s the full three-segment signature // (e.g. "eyXXXX.XXXXX.XXXX") func (s *Signature) Sign(payload []byte, signer Signer, key interface{}) ([]byte, []byte, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() hdrs, err := mergeHeaders(ctx, s.headers, s.protected) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to merge headers`) } if err := hdrs.Set(AlgorithmKey, signer.Algorithm()); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to set "alg"`) } // If the key is a jwk.Key instance, obtain the raw key if jwkKey, ok := key.(jwk.Key); ok { // If we have a key ID specified by this jwk.Key, use that in the header if kid := jwkKey.KeyID(); kid != "" { if err := hdrs.Set(jwk.KeyIDKey, kid); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, `set key ID from jwk.Key`) } } } hdrbuf, err := json.Marshal(hdrs) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to marshal headers`) } buf := pool.GetBytesBuffer() defer pool.ReleaseBytesBuffer(buf) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(hdrbuf)) buf.WriteByte('.') if getB64Value(hdrs) { buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(payload)) } else { if bytes.ContainsRune(payload, '.') { return nil, nil, errors.New(`payload must not contain a "." when b64 = false`) } buf.Write(payload) } signature, err := signer.Sign(buf.Bytes(), key) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to sign payload`) } s.signature = signature buf.WriteByte('.') buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(signature)) ret := make([]byte, buf.Len()) copy(ret, buf.Bytes()) return signature, ret, nil } func NewMessage() *Message { return &Message{} } // Payload returns the decoded payload func (m Message) Payload() []byte { return m.payload } func (m *Message) SetPayload(v []byte) *Message { m.payload = v return m } func (m Message) Signatures() []*Signature { return m.signatures } func (m *Message) AppendSignature(v *Signature) *Message { m.signatures = append(m.signatures, v) return m } func (m *Message) ClearSignatures() *Message { m.signatures = nil return m } // LookupSignature looks up a particular signature entry using // the `kid` value func (m Message) LookupSignature(kid string) []*Signature { var sigs []*Signature for _, sig := range m.signatures { if hdr := sig.PublicHeaders(); hdr != nil { hdrKeyID := hdr.KeyID() if hdrKeyID == kid { sigs = append(sigs, sig) continue } } if hdr := sig.ProtectedHeaders(); hdr != nil { hdrKeyID := hdr.KeyID() if hdrKeyID == kid { sigs = append(sigs, sig) continue } } } return sigs } type messageProxy struct { Payload string `json:"payload"` // base64 URL encoded Signatures []*signatureProxy `json:"signatures,omitempty"` // These are only available when we're using flattened JSON // (normally I would embed *signatureProxy, but because // signatureProxy is not exported, we can't use that) Header *json.RawMessage `json:"header,omitempty"` Protected *string `json:"protected,omitempty"` Signature *string `json:"signature,omitempty"` } type signatureProxy struct { Header json.RawMessage `json:"header"` Protected string `json:"protected"` Signature string `json:"signature"` } func (m *Message) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error { var proxy messageProxy if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &proxy); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, `failed to unmarshal into temporary structure`) } if proxy.Signature != nil { if len(proxy.Signatures) > 0 { return errors.New(`invalid format ("signatures" and "signature" keys cannot both be present)`) } var sigproxy signatureProxy if hdr := proxy.Header; hdr != nil { sigproxy.Header = *hdr } if hdr := proxy.Protected; hdr != nil { sigproxy.Protected = *hdr } sigproxy.Signature = *proxy.Signature proxy.Signatures = append(proxy.Signatures, &sigproxy) } b64 := true for i, sigproxy := range proxy.Signatures { var sig Signature if len(sigproxy.Header) > 0 { sig.headers = NewHeaders() if err := json.Unmarshal(sigproxy.Header, sig.headers); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to unmarshal "header" for signature #%d`, i+1) } } if len(sigproxy.Protected) > 0 { buf, err := base64.DecodeString(sigproxy.Protected) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to decode "protected" for signature #%d`, i+1) } sig.protected = NewHeaders() if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, sig.protected); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to unmarshal "protected" for signature #%d`, i+1) } if i == 0 { b64 = getB64Value(sig.protected) } else { if b64 != getB64Value(sig.protected) { return errors.Errorf(`b64 value must be the same for all signatures`) } } } if len(sigproxy.Signature) == 0 { return errors.Errorf(`"signature" must be non-empty for signature #%d`, i+1) } buf, err := base64.DecodeString(sigproxy.Signature) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to decode "signature" for signature #%d`, i+1) } sig.signature = buf m.signatures = append(m.signatures, &sig) } if !b64 { m.payload = []byte(proxy.Payload) } else { // Everything in the proxy is base64 encoded, except for signatures.header if len(proxy.Payload) == 0 { return errors.New(`"payload" must be non-empty`) } buf, err := base64.DecodeString(proxy.Payload) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, `failed to decode payload`) } m.payload = buf } m.b64 = b64 return nil } func (m Message) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { if len(m.signatures) == 1 { return m.marshalFlattened() } return m.marshalFull() } func (m Message) marshalFlattened() ([]byte, error) { buf := pool.GetBytesBuffer() defer pool.ReleaseBytesBuffer(buf) sig := m.signatures[0] buf.WriteRune('{') var wrote bool if hdr := sig.headers; hdr != nil { hdrjs, err := hdr.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to marshal "header" (flattened format)`) } buf.WriteString(`"header":`) buf.Write(hdrjs) wrote = true } if wrote { buf.WriteRune(',') } buf.WriteString(`"payload":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(m.payload)) buf.WriteRune('"') if protected := sig.protected; protected != nil { protectedbuf, err := protected.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, `failed to marshal "protected" (flattened format)`) } buf.WriteString(`,"protected":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(protectedbuf)) buf.WriteRune('"') } buf.WriteString(`,"signature":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(sig.signature)) buf.WriteRune('"') buf.WriteRune('}') ret := make([]byte, buf.Len()) copy(ret, buf.Bytes()) return ret, nil } func (m Message) marshalFull() ([]byte, error) { buf := pool.GetBytesBuffer() defer pool.ReleaseBytesBuffer(buf) buf.WriteString(`{"payload":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(m.payload)) buf.WriteString(`","signatures":[`) for i, sig := range m.signatures { if i > 0 { buf.WriteRune(',') } buf.WriteRune('{') var wrote bool if hdr := sig.headers; hdr != nil { hdrbuf, err := hdr.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to marshal "header" for signature #%d`, i+1) } buf.WriteString(`"header":`) buf.Write(hdrbuf) wrote = true } if protected := sig.protected; protected != nil { protectedbuf, err := protected.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, `failed to marshal "protected" for signature #%d`, i+1) } if wrote { buf.WriteRune(',') } buf.WriteString(`"protected":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(protectedbuf)) buf.WriteRune('"') wrote = true } if wrote { buf.WriteRune(',') } buf.WriteString(`"signature":"`) buf.WriteString(base64.EncodeToString(sig.signature)) buf.WriteString(`"}`) } buf.WriteString(`]}`) ret := make([]byte, buf.Len()) copy(ret, buf.Bytes()) return ret, nil }