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2019-08-11 20:48:02 +02:00

146 lines
3.4 KiB

import "../../../src/components/VGrid/VGrid.sass";
import Vue from 'vue';
import mergeData from '../../util/mergeData';
import { upperFirst } from '../../util/helpers'; // no xs
const breakpoints = ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'];
const breakpointProps = (() => {
return breakpoints.reduce((props, val) => {
props[val] = {
type: [Boolean, String, Number],
default: false
return props;
}, {});
const offsetProps = (() => {
return breakpoints.reduce((props, val) => {
props['offset' + upperFirst(val)] = {
type: [String, Number],
default: null
return props;
}, {});
const orderProps = (() => {
return breakpoints.reduce((props, val) => {
props['order' + upperFirst(val)] = {
type: [String, Number],
default: null
return props;
}, {});
const propMap = {
col: Object.keys(breakpointProps),
offset: Object.keys(offsetProps),
order: Object.keys(orderProps)
function breakpointClass(type, prop, val) {
let className = type;
if (val == null || val === false) {
return undefined;
if (prop) {
const breakpoint = prop.replace(type, '');
className += `-${breakpoint}`;
} // Handling the boolean style prop when accepting [Boolean, String, Number]
// means Vue will not convert <v-col sm></v-col> to sm: true for us.
// Since the default is false, an empty string indicates the prop's presence.
if (type === 'col' && (val === '' || val === true)) {
// .col-md
return className.toLowerCase();
} // .order-md-6
className += `-${val}`;
return className.toLowerCase();
const cache = new Map();
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'v-col',
functional: true,
props: {
cols: {
type: [Boolean, String, Number],
default: false
offset: {
type: [String, Number],
default: null
order: {
type: [String, Number],
default: null
alignSelf: {
type: String,
default: null,
validator: str => ['auto', 'start', 'end', 'center', 'baseline', 'stretch'].includes(str)
tag: {
type: String,
default: 'div'
render(h, {
}) {
// Super-fast memoization based on props, 5x faster than JSON.stringify
let cacheKey = '';
for (const prop in props) {
cacheKey += String(props[prop]);
let classList = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (!classList) {
classList = []; // Loop through `col`, `offset`, `order` breakpoint props
let type;
for (type in propMap) {
propMap[type].forEach(prop => {
const value = props[prop];
const className = breakpointClass(type, prop, value);
if (className) classList.push(className);
const hasColClasses = classList.some(className => className.startsWith('col-'));
// Default to .col if no other col-{bp}-* classes generated nor `cols` specified.
col: !hasColClasses || !props.cols,
[`col-${props.cols}`]: props.cols,
[`offset-${props.offset}`]: props.offset,
[`order-${props.order}`]: props.order,
[`align-self-${props.alignSelf}`]: props.alignSelf
cache.set(cacheKey, classList);
return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {
class: classList
}), children);