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/*eslint new-cap: ["error", { "capIsNew": false }]*/
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var sass = require('../');
describe('sass.types', function() {
describe('Boolean', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('names the constructor correctly', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassBoolean');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var t = sass.types.Boolean(true);
assert.equal(t.toString(), '[object SassBoolean]');
var f = sass.types.Boolean(false);
assert.equal(f.toString(), '[object SassBoolean]');
it('has true and false singletons', function() {
assert.equal(sass.types.Boolean(true), sass.types.Boolean(true));
assert.equal(sass.types.Boolean(false), sass.types.Boolean(false));
assert.notEqual(sass.types.Boolean(false), sass.types.Boolean(true));
assert.equal(sass.types.Boolean(true), sass.types.Boolean.TRUE);
assert.equal(sass.types.Boolean(false), sass.types.Boolean.FALSE);
it('supports DOES NOT support new constructor', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Boolean(true);
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Cannot instantiate SassBoolean');
return true;
it('throws with incorrect constructor args', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected one boolean argument');
return true;
[1, 2, '', 'hi', {}, []].forEach(function(arg) {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected one boolean argument');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
sass.types.Boolean(true, false);
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected one boolean argument');
return true;
it('implements getValue', function() {
var t = sass.types.Boolean(true);
assert.equal(typeof t.getValue, 'function');
assert.equal(t.getValue(), true);
var f = sass.types.Boolean(false);
assert.equal(typeof f.getValue, 'function');
assert.equal(f.getValue(), false);
describe('Color', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('names the constructor correctly', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassColor');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var t = sass.types.Color();
assert.equal(t.toString(), '[object SassColor]');
it('supports new constructor', function() {
var t = new sass.types.Color(1);
assert.equal(t.toString(), '[object SassColor]');
it('supports variadic constructor args', function() {
var a = new sass.types.Color();
assert.equal(a.getR(), 0);
assert.equal(a.getG(), 0);
assert.equal(a.getB(), 0);
assert.equal(a.getA(), 1);
var b = new sass.types.Color(1);
assert.equal(b.getR(), 0);
assert.equal(b.getG(), 0);
assert.equal(b.getB(), 1);
assert.equal(b.getA(), 0); // why ?
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Color(1, 2);
}, function(error) {
// assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Constructor should be invoked with either 0, 1, 3 or 4 arguments.');
return true;
var c = new sass.types.Color(1, 2, 3);
assert.equal(c.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 2);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 3);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 1);
var d = new sass.types.Color(1, 2, 3, 4);
assert.equal(d.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(d.getG(), 2);
assert.equal(d.getB(), 3);
assert.equal(d.getA(), 4);
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Color(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
}, function(error) {
// assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Constructor should be invoked with either 0, 1, 3 or 4 arguments.');
return true;
it('supports get{R,G,B,A} and set{R,G,B,A}', function() {
var c = new sass.types.Color();
assert.equal(c.getR(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 1);
assert.equal(c.setR(1), undefined);
assert.equal(c.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 1);
assert.equal(c.setG(1), undefined);
assert.equal(c.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 0);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 1);
assert.equal(c.setB(1), undefined);
assert.equal(c.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 1);
assert.equal(c.setA(0), undefined);
assert.equal(c.getR(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getG(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getB(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getA(), 0);
it('throws with incorrect set{R,G,B,A} arguments', function() {
var c = new sass.types.Color();
function assertJustOneArgument(cb) {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
function assertNumberArgument(arg, cb) {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied value should be a number');
return true;
}, 'argument was: ' + arg);
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setR(); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setG(); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setB(); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setA(); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setR(1, 2); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setG(1, 2); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setB(1, 2); });
assertJustOneArgument(function() { c.setA(1, 2); });
[true, false, '0', '1', '', 'omg', {}, []].forEach(function(arg) {
assertNumberArgument(arg, function() { c.setR(arg); });
assertNumberArgument(arg, function() { c.setG(arg); });
assertNumberArgument(arg, function() { c.setB(arg); });
assertNumberArgument(arg, function() { c.setA(arg); });
describe('Error', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a correctly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassError');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var e = sass.types.Error('Such Error');
assert.ok(e instanceof sass.types.Error);
assert.equal(e.toString(), '[object SassError]');
// TODO: I'm not sure this object works well, it likely needs to be fleshed out more...
it('supports new constructor', function() {
var e = new sass.types.Error('Such Error');
assert.ok(e instanceof sass.types.Error);
assert.equal(e.toString(), '[object SassError]');
// TODO: I'm not sure this object works well, it likely needs to be fleshed out more...
describe('List', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a corectly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassList');
it('support call constructor', function() {
var list = sass.types.List();
assert.ok(list instanceof sass.types.List);
assert.equal(list.toString(), '[object SassList]');
it('support new constructor', function() {
var list = new sass.types.List();
assert.ok(list instanceof sass.types.List);
assert.equal(list.toString(), '[object SassList]');
it('support variadic constructor', function() {
var a = new sass.types.List();
assert.equal(a.getLength(), 0);
assert.equal(a.getSeparator(), true);
var b = new sass.types.List(1);
assert.equal(b.getSeparator(), true);
assert.equal(b.getLength(), 1);
var c = new sass.types.List(1, true);
assert.equal(b.getLength(), 1);
assert.equal(c.getSeparator(), true);
var d = new sass.types.List(1, false);
assert.equal(b.getLength(), 1);
assert.equal(d.getSeparator(), false);
var e = new sass.types.List(1, true, 2);
assert.equal(b.getLength(), 1);
assert.equal(e.getSeparator(), true);
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.List('not-a-number');
}, function(error) {
// TODO: TypeError
assert.equal(error.message, 'First argument should be an integer.');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.List(1, 'not-a-boolean');
}, function(error) {
// TODO: TypeError
assert.equal(error.message, 'Second argument should be a boolean.');
return true;
it('supports {get,set}Separator', function() {
var a = new sass.types.List();
assert.equal(a.getSeparator(), true);
assert.equal(a.setSeparator(true), undefined);
assert.equal(a.getSeparator(), true);
assert.equal(a.setSeparator(false), undefined);
assert.equal(a.getSeparator(), false);
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
[1, '', [], {}].forEach(function(arg) {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied value should be a boolean');
return true;
}, 'setSeparator(' + arg + ')');
it('supports setValue and getValue', function() {
var a = new sass.types.List();
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
['hi', [], {}].forEach(function(arg) {
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied index should be an integer');
return true;
}, 'getValue(' + arg + ')');
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof RangeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Out of bound index');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof RangeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Out of bound index');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected two arguments');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected two arguments');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
a.setValue(0, 'no-a-sass-value');
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied value should be a SassValue object');
return true;
// TODO: more complex set/get value scenarios
describe('Map', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a correctly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassMap');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var x = sass.types.Map();
assert.equal(x.toString(), '[object SassMap]');
it('supports new constructor', function() {
var x = new sass.types.Map();
assert.equal(x.toString(), '[object SassMap]');
it('supports an optional constructor argument', function() {
var x = new sass.types.Map();
var y = new sass.types.Map(1);
var z = new sass.types.Map(2, 3);
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Map('OMG');
}, function(error) {
assert.equal(error.message, 'First argument should be an integer.');
// TODO: TypeError
return true;
assert.equal(x.getLength(), 0);
assert.equal(y.getLength(), 1);
assert.equal(z.getLength(), 2);
it('supports length', function() {
var y = new sass.types.Map(1);
var z = new sass.types.Map(2);
assert.equal(y.getLength(), 1);
assert.equal(z.getLength(), 2);
it('supports {get,set}Value {get,set}Key', function() {
var y = new sass.types.Map(1);
var omg = new sass.types.String('OMG');
y.setValue(0, omg);
describe('Null', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a correctly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassNull');
it('does not support new constructor', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Null();
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Cannot instantiate SassNull');
return true;
it('supports call constructor (and is a singleton)', function() {
assert.equal(sass.types.Null(), sass.types.Null());
assert.equal(sass.types.Null(), sass.types.Null.NULL);
describe('Number', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a correctly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassNumber');
it('supports new constructor', function() {
var number = new sass.types.Number();
assert.equal(number.toString(), '[object SassNumber]');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var number = sass.types.Number();
assert.equal(number.toString(), '[object SassNumber]');
it('supports multiple constructor arguments', function() {
var a = new sass.types.Number();
var b = new sass.types.Number(1);
var c = new sass.types.Number(2, 'px');
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Number('OMG');
}, function(error) {
// TODO: TypeError
assert.equal(error.message, 'First argument should be a number.');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.Number(1, 2);
}, function(error) {
// TODO: TypeError
assert.equal(error.message, 'Second argument should be a string.');
return true;
assert.equal(a.getValue(), 0);
assert.equal(a.getUnit(), '');
assert.equal(b.getValue(), 1);
assert.equal(b.getUnit(), '');
assert.equal(c.getValue(), 2);
assert.equal(c.getUnit(), 'px');
it('supports get{Unit,Value}, set{Unit,Value}', function() {
var number = new sass.types.Number(1, 'px');
assert.equal(number.getValue(), 1);
assert.equal(number.getUnit(), 'px');
assert.equal(number.getValue(), 2);
assert.equal(number.getUnit(), 'px');
assert.equal(number.getValue(), 2);
assert.equal(number.getUnit(), 'em');
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied value should be a number');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Supplied value should be a string');
return true;
describe('String', function() {
it('exists', function() {
it('has a properly named constructor', function() {
assert.equal(, 'SassString');
it('supports call constructor', function() {
var x = sass.types.String('OMG');
assert.equal(x.toString(), '[object SassString]');
assert.equal(x.getValue(), 'OMG');
it('supports new constructor', function() {
var x = new sass.types.String('OMG');
assert.equal(x.toString(), '[object SassString]');
assert.equal(x.getValue(), 'OMG');
it('supports multiple constructor arg combinations', function() {
new sass.types.String();
new sass.types.String('OMG');
new sass.types.String('OMG', 'NOPE');
[null, undefined, [], {}, function() { }].forEach(function(arg) {
assert.throws(function() {
new sass.types.String(arg);
}, function(error) {
// TODO: TypeError
assert.equal(error.message, 'Argument should be a string.');
return true;
it('supports {get,set}Value', function() {
var x = new sass.types.String();
assert.equal(x.getValue(), '');
assert.equal(x.setValue('hi'), undefined);
assert.equal(x.getValue(), 'hi');
assert.equal(x.setValue('bye'), undefined);
assert.equal(x.getValue(), 'bye');
assert.throws(function() {
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;
assert.throws(function() {
x.setValue('hi', 'hi');
}, function(error) {
assert.ok(error instanceof TypeError);
assert.equal(error.message, 'Expected just one argument');
return true;