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2019-08-11 20:48:02 +02:00

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You use this Keys to start the oAuth authorization work flow.\\n \"\n )\n ]),\n _c(\"v-text-field\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"API Key\",\n value:,\n hint: \"You can't edit this\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-text-field\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"API Secret\",\n value:,\n hint: \"You can't edit this\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"br\")\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n ),\n _c(\n \"v-tab-item\",\n {\n key: 3,\n attrs: {\n transition: false,\n \"reverse-transition\": false\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"v-container\",\n {\n staticStyle: {\n \"padding-right\": \"0px\",\n \"padding-left\": \"0px\"\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"v-layout\",\n [\n _c(\n \"v-flex\",\n { attrs: { md8: \"\" } },\n [\n _c(\"v-text-field\", {\n attrs: { label: \"App Name\" },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"name\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-text-field\", {\n attrs: { label: \"URL\" },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"url\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.url\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-textarea\", {\n attrs: { label: \"Description\" },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"description\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.description\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-text-field\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Direct Login URL\",\n hint:\n \"URL to login with this oAuth Provider\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"directUrl\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.directUrl\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Testing Warning\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .testingWarning,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"testingWarning\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Untrusted Warning\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .untrustedWarning,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"untrustedWarning\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Auto Accept\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .autoAccept,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"autoAccept\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Show on Webpage\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .showOnWebpage,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"showOnWebpage\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Stop Auto Redirect\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .stopAutoRedirect,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"stopAutoRedirect\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Hide in App List\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .hideInAppList,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"hideInAppList\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label:\n \"Disabled user possible to remove App-Access\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n\n .userCantRemoveApp,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"userCantRemoveApp\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\n \"v-btn\",\n {\n attrs: { color: \"success\" },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n return _vm.updateSettings()\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\"Speichern\")]\n )\n ],\n 1\n ),\n _c(\"v-flex\", { attrs: { md4: \"\" } }, [\n _vm._v(\n \"\\n IMAGE\\n \"\n )\n ])\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n ),\n _c(\n \"v-tab-item\",\n {\n key: 4,\n attrs: {\n transition: false,\n \"reverse-transition\": false\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"v-container\",\n {\n staticStyle: {\n \"padding-right\": \"0px\",\n \"padding-left\": \"0px\"\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"p\",\n [\n _vm._v(\n \"\\n Beim ändern der Permissions müssen alle User den Zugriff erneut bestätigen.\\n\\n \"\n ),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Use oAuth\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"oAuth\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.access.oAuth\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Make API-Requests\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"api\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.access.api\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Update the Users App\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"update_apps\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"app.access.update_apps\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label: \"Update the User Profile\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"update_profile\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"app.access.update_profile\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label:\n \"Update the User Access list (revoke Access)\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"update_access\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"app.access.update_access\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label:\n \"Read all Access from the User\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"read_access\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"app.access.read_access\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label:\n \"Read all Apps from the User\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"read_apps\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression: \"app.access.read_apps\"\n }\n }),\n _c(\"v-checkbox\", {\n attrs: {\n label:\n \"Read the User-Profil Information\",\n disabled: \"\"\n },\n model: {\n value:\n,\n callback: function($$v) {\n _vm.$set(\n,\n \"read_profile\",\n $$v\n )\n },\n expression:\n \"app.access.read_profile\"\n }\n })\n ],\n 1\n )\n ]\n )\n ],\n 1\n ),\n _c(\n \"v-tab-item\",\n {\n key: 4,\n attrs: {\n transition: false,\n \"reverse-transition\": false\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"v-container\",\n {\n staticStyle: {\n \"padding-right\": \"0px\",\n \"padding-left\": \"0px\"\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"table\",\n [\n _c(\"tr\", [\n _c(\"th\", [_vm._v(\"Username\")])\n ]),\n _vm._l(_vm.appUser, function(user) {\n return _c(\"tr\", [\n _c(\"td\", [\n _vm._v(_vm._s(user.username))\n ])\n ])\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n ]\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n : _vm._e()\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n ],\n 1\n )\n}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\nrender._withStripped = true\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }"]}