const es = { "transform-template-literals": { features: ["template literals"], }, "transform-literals": { features: ["Unicode code point escapes"], }, "transform-function-name": { features: ['function "name" property'], }, "transform-arrow-functions": { features: ["arrow functions"], }, "transform-block-scoped-functions": { features: ["block-level function declaration"], }, "transform-classes": { features: ["class", "super"], }, "transform-object-super": { features: ["super"], }, "transform-shorthand-properties": { features: ["object literal extensions / shorthand properties"], }, "transform-duplicate-keys": { features: ["miscellaneous / duplicate property names in strict mode"], }, "transform-computed-properties": { features: ["object literal extensions / computed properties"], }, "transform-for-of": { features: ["for..of loops"], }, "transform-sticky-regex": { features: [ 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag, lastIndex', 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag', ], }, // We want to apply this prior to unicode regex so that "." and "u" // are properly handled. // // Ref: "transform-dotall-regex": "s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions", "transform-unicode-regex": { features: [ 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, case folding', 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, Unicode code point escapes', 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, non-BMP Unicode characters', 'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag', ], }, "transform-spread": { features: "spread syntax for iterable objects", }, "transform-parameters": { features: [ "default function parameters", "rest parameters", "destructuring, parameters / defaults, arrow function", ], }, "transform-destructuring": { features: [ "destructuring, assignment", "destructuring, declarations", "destructuring, parameters", ], }, "transform-block-scoping": { features: ["const", "let"], }, "transform-typeof-symbol": { features: ["Symbol / typeof support"], }, "transform-new-target": { features: [""], }, "transform-regenerator": { features: ["generators"], }, "transform-exponentiation-operator": { features: ["exponentiation (**) operator"], }, "transform-async-to-generator": { features: ["async functions"], }, "proposal-async-generator-functions": "Asynchronous Iterators", "proposal-object-rest-spread": "object rest/spread properties", "proposal-unicode-property-regex": "RegExp Unicode Property Escapes", "proposal-json-strings": "JSON superset", "proposal-optional-catch-binding": "optional catch binding", "transform-named-capturing-groups-regex": "RegExp named capture groups", }; const proposals = require("./shipped-proposals").features; module.exports = Object.assign({}, es, proposals);