"use strict"; var babylonToEspree = require("./babylon-to-espree"); var parse = require("@babel/parser").parse; var tt = require("@babel/parser").tokTypes; var traverse = require("@babel/traverse").default; var codeFrameColumns = require("@babel/code-frame").codeFrameColumns; module.exports = function(code, options) { const legacyDecorators = options.ecmaFeatures && options.ecmaFeatures.legacyDecorators; var opts = { codeFrame: options.hasOwnProperty("codeFrame") ? options.codeFrame : true, sourceType: options.sourceType, allowImportExportEverywhere: options.allowImportExportEverywhere, // consistent with espree allowReturnOutsideFunction: true, allowSuperOutsideMethod: true, ranges: true, tokens: true, plugins: [ ["flow", { all: true }], "jsx", "estree", "asyncFunctions", "asyncGenerators", "classConstructorCall", "classProperties", legacyDecorators ? "decorators-legacy" : ["decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport: false }], "doExpressions", "exponentiationOperator", "exportDefaultFrom", "exportNamespaceFrom", "functionBind", "functionSent", "objectRestSpread", "trailingFunctionCommas", "dynamicImport", "numericSeparator", "optionalChaining", "importMeta", "classPrivateProperties", "bigInt", "optionalCatchBinding", "throwExpressions", ["pipelineOperator", { proposal: "minimal" }], "nullishCoalescingOperator", "logicalAssignment", ], }; var ast; try { ast = parse(code, opts); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof SyntaxError) { err.lineNumber = err.loc.line; err.column = err.loc.column; if (opts.codeFrame) { err.lineNumber = err.loc.line; err.column = err.loc.column + 1; // remove trailing "(LINE:COLUMN)" acorn message and add in esprima syntax error message start err.message = "Line " + err.lineNumber + ": " + err.message.replace(/ \((\d+):(\d+)\)$/, "") + // add codeframe "\n\n" + codeFrameColumns( code, { start: { line: err.lineNumber, column: err.column, }, }, { highlightCode: true } ); } } throw err; } babylonToEspree(ast, traverse, tt, code); return ast; };