# vue-cli-plugin-vuetify Vuetify Plugin for [vue-cli@3.0](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli) ## Install If you haven't yet installed vue-cli 3, first follow the install instructions here: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli **Tip**: If you don't want to overwrite your current vue-cli because you still need `vue init`, [then try this](https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/creating-a-project.html#pulling-2-x-templates-legacy). Generate a project using vue-cli 3.0 ``` vue create my-app ``` Before installing the vuetify plugin, make sure to commit or stash your changes in case you need to revert To install the vuetify plugin... ``` cd my-app vue add vuetify ``` If you run into any issues you can hit us up on [discord/need](https://discordapp.com/channels/340160225338195969/340215499398840331). ## Using with other plugins Here are some extra steps for setting up the old templates but using plugins from the new ecosystem. ### Nuxt ``` # preset: default (babel, eslint) vue add nuxt-starter-template ``` Todo - Add vuetify Nuxt starter template ### Electron Just add [vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder](https://nklayman.github.io/vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/) ``` vue add electron-builder vue add vuetify yarn electron:serve ``` ### PWA If you already made a project with the PWA option selected, then just adding like above should do it. ### Cordova Use the [Cordova](https://github.com/m0dch3n/vue-cli-plugin-cordova) plugin. ``` npm install -g cordova # If cordova is not already installed vue add cordova npm run cordova-serve-android # Development Android npm run cordova-build-android # Build Android npm run cordova-serve-ios # Development IOS npm run cordova-build-ios # Build IOS npm run cordova-serve-browser # Development Browser npm run cordova-build-browser # Build Browser ```