/*! * Stylus - HSLA * Copyright (c) Automattic * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Node = require('./node') , nodes = require('./'); /** * Initialize a new `HSLA` with the given h,s,l,a component values. * * @param {Number} h * @param {Number} s * @param {Number} l * @param {Number} a * @api public */ var HSLA = exports = module.exports = function HSLA(h,s,l,a){ Node.call(this); this.h = clampDegrees(h); this.s = clampPercentage(s); this.l = clampPercentage(l); this.a = clampAlpha(a); this.hsla = this; }; /** * Inherit from `Node.prototype`. */ HSLA.prototype.__proto__ = Node.prototype; /** * Return hsla(n,n,n,n). * * @return {String} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.toString = function(){ return 'hsla(' + this.h + ',' + this.s.toFixed(0) + '%,' + this.l.toFixed(0) + '%,' + this.a + ')'; }; /** * Return a clone of this node. * * @return {Node} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.clone = function(parent){ var clone = new HSLA( this.h , this.s , this.l , this.a); clone.lineno = this.lineno; clone.column = this.column; clone.filename = this.filename; return clone; }; /** * Return a JSON representation of this node. * * @return {Object} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.toJSON = function(){ return { __type: 'HSLA', h: this.h, s: this.s, l: this.l, a: this.a, lineno: this.lineno, column: this.column, filename: this.filename }; }; /** * Return rgba `RGBA` representation. * * @return {RGBA} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.__defineGetter__('rgba', function(){ return nodes.RGBA.fromHSLA(this); }); /** * Return hash. * * @return {String} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.__defineGetter__('hash', function(){ return this.rgba.toString(); }); /** * Add h,s,l to the current component values. * * @param {Number} h * @param {Number} s * @param {Number} l * @return {HSLA} new node * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.add = function(h,s,l){ return new HSLA( this.h + h , this.s + s , this.l + l , this.a); }; /** * Subtract h,s,l from the current component values. * * @param {Number} h * @param {Number} s * @param {Number} l * @return {HSLA} new node * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.sub = function(h,s,l){ return this.add(-h, -s, -l); }; /** * Operate on `right` with the given `op`. * * @param {String} op * @param {Node} right * @return {Node} * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.operate = function(op, right){ switch (op) { case '==': case '!=': case '<=': case '>=': case '<': case '>': case 'is a': case '||': case '&&': return this.rgba.operate(op, right); default: return this.rgba.operate(op, right).hsla; } }; /** * Return `HSLA` representation of the given `color`. * * @param {RGBA} color * @return {HSLA} * @api public */ exports.fromRGBA = function(rgba){ var r = rgba.r / 255 , g = rgba.g / 255 , b = rgba.b / 255 , a = rgba.a; var min = Math.min(r,g,b) , max = Math.max(r,g,b) , l = (max + min) / 2 , d = max - min , h, s; switch (max) { case min: h = 0; break; case r: h = 60 * (g-b) / d; break; case g: h = 60 * (b-r) / d + 120; break; case b: h = 60 * (r-g) / d + 240; break; } if (max == min) { s = 0; } else if (l < .5) { s = d / (2 * l); } else { s = d / (2 - 2 * l); } h %= 360; s *= 100; l *= 100; return new HSLA(h,s,l,a); }; /** * Adjust lightness by `percent`. * * @param {Number} percent * @return {HSLA} for chaining * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.adjustLightness = function(percent){ this.l = clampPercentage(this.l + this.l * (percent / 100)); return this; }; /** * Adjust hue by `deg`. * * @param {Number} deg * @return {HSLA} for chaining * @api public */ HSLA.prototype.adjustHue = function(deg){ this.h = clampDegrees(this.h + deg); return this; }; /** * Clamp degree `n` >= 0 and <= 360. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Number} * @api private */ function clampDegrees(n) { n = n % 360; return n >= 0 ? n : 360 + n; } /** * Clamp percentage `n` >= 0 and <= 100. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Number} * @api private */ function clampPercentage(n) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 100)); } /** * Clamp alpha `n` >= 0 and <= 1. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Number} * @api private */ function clampAlpha(n) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 1)); }