export default { close: 'Close', dataIterator: { pageText: '{0}-{1} 共 {2} 條', noResultsText: '沒有找到匹配記錄', loadingText: 'Loading items...' }, dataTable: { itemsPerPageText: '每頁行數:', ariaLabel: { sortDescending: ': Sorted descending. Activate to remove sorting.', sortAscending: ': Sorted ascending. Activate to sort descending.', sortNone: ': Not sorted. Activate to sort ascending.' } }, dataFooter: { itemsPerPageText: '每頁記錄數:', itemsPerPageAll: '全部', nextPage: '下一頁', prevPage: '上一頁', firstPage: '第一頁', lastPage: '最後一頁' }, datePicker: { itemsSelected: '{0}選中' }, noDataText: '無可用數據', carousel: { prev: '以前的視覺', next: '下一個視覺' }, calendar: { moreEvents: '還有{0}個' }, fileInput: { counter: '{0} files', counterSize: '{0} files ({1} in total)' } }; //# sourceMappingURL=zh-Hant.js.map