'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var rx = require('rx-lite-aggregates'); var util = require('util'); var runAsync = require('run-async'); var utils = require('../utils/utils'); var Base = require('./baseUI'); /** * Base interface class other can inherits from */ var PromptUI = module.exports = function (prompts, opt) { Base.call(this, opt); this.prompts = prompts; }; util.inherits(PromptUI, Base); PromptUI.prototype.run = function (questions) { // Keep global reference to the answers this.answers = {}; // Make sure questions is an array. if (_.isPlainObject(questions)) { questions = [questions]; } // Create an observable, unless we received one as parameter. // Note: As this is a public interface, we cannot do an instanceof check as we won't // be using the exact same object in memory. var obs = _.isArray(questions) ? rx.Observable.from(questions) : questions; this.process = obs .concatMap(this.processQuestion.bind(this)) // `publish` creates a hot Observable. It prevents duplicating prompts. .publish(); this.process.connect(); return this.process .reduce(function (answers, answer) { _.set(this.answers, answer.name, answer.answer); return this.answers; }.bind(this), {}) .toPromise(Promise) .then(this.onCompletion.bind(this)); }; /** * Once all prompt are over */ PromptUI.prototype.onCompletion = function (answers) { this.close(); return answers; }; PromptUI.prototype.processQuestion = function (question) { question = _.clone(question); return rx.Observable.defer(function () { var obs = rx.Observable.of(question); return obs .concatMap(this.setDefaultType.bind(this)) .concatMap(this.filterIfRunnable.bind(this)) .concatMap(utils.fetchAsyncQuestionProperty.bind(null, question, 'message', this.answers)) .concatMap(utils.fetchAsyncQuestionProperty.bind(null, question, 'default', this.answers)) .concatMap(utils.fetchAsyncQuestionProperty.bind(null, question, 'choices', this.answers)) .concatMap(this.fetchAnswer.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; PromptUI.prototype.fetchAnswer = function (question) { var Prompt = this.prompts[question.type]; this.activePrompt = new Prompt(question, this.rl, this.answers); return rx.Observable.defer(function () { return rx.Observable.fromPromise(this.activePrompt.run().then(function (answer) { return {name: question.name, answer: answer}; })); }.bind(this)); }; PromptUI.prototype.setDefaultType = function (question) { // Default type to input if (!this.prompts[question.type]) { question.type = 'input'; } return rx.Observable.defer(function () { return rx.Observable.return(question); }); }; PromptUI.prototype.filterIfRunnable = function (question) { if (question.when === false) { return rx.Observable.empty(); } if (!_.isFunction(question.when)) { return rx.Observable.return(question); } var answers = this.answers; return rx.Observable.defer(function () { return rx.Observable.fromPromise( runAsync(question.when)(answers).then(function (shouldRun) { if (shouldRun) { return question; } }) ).filter(function (val) { return val != null; }); }); };