/** * @fileoverview A class to operate forking. * * This is state of forking. * This has a fork list and manages it. * * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const assert = require("assert"), CodePathSegment = require("./code-path-segment"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Gets whether or not a given segment is reachable. * * @param {CodePathSegment} segment - A segment to get. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the segment is reachable. */ function isReachable(segment) { return segment.reachable; } /** * Creates new segments from the specific range of `context.segmentsList`. * * When `context.segmentsList` is `[[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]]`, `begin` is `0`, and * `end` is `-1`, this creates `[g, h]`. This `g` is from `a`, `c`, and `e`. * This `h` is from `b`, `d`, and `f`. * * @param {ForkContext} context - An instance. * @param {number} begin - The first index of the previous segments. * @param {number} end - The last index of the previous segments. * @param {Function} create - A factory function of new segments. * @returns {CodePathSegment[]} New segments. */ function makeSegments(context, begin, end, create) { const list = context.segmentsList; const normalizedBegin = begin >= 0 ? begin : list.length + begin; const normalizedEnd = end >= 0 ? end : list.length + end; const segments = []; for (let i = 0; i < context.count; ++i) { const allPrevSegments = []; for (let j = normalizedBegin; j <= normalizedEnd; ++j) { allPrevSegments.push(list[j][i]); } segments.push(create(context.idGenerator.next(), allPrevSegments)); } return segments; } /** * `segments` becomes doubly in a `finally` block. Then if a code path exits by a * control statement (such as `break`, `continue`) from the `finally` block, the * destination's segments may be half of the source segments. In that case, this * merges segments. * * @param {ForkContext} context - An instance. * @param {CodePathSegment[]} segments - Segments to merge. * @returns {CodePathSegment[]} The merged segments. */ function mergeExtraSegments(context, segments) { let currentSegments = segments; while (currentSegments.length > context.count) { const merged = []; for (let i = 0, length = currentSegments.length / 2 | 0; i < length; ++i) { merged.push(CodePathSegment.newNext( context.idGenerator.next(), [currentSegments[i], currentSegments[i + length]] )); } currentSegments = merged; } return currentSegments; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * A class to manage forking. */ class ForkContext { /** * @param {IdGenerator} idGenerator - An identifier generator for segments. * @param {ForkContext|null} upper - An upper fork context. * @param {number} count - A number of parallel segments. */ constructor(idGenerator, upper, count) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; this.upper = upper; this.count = count; this.segmentsList = []; } /** * The head segments. * @type {CodePathSegment[]} */ get head() { const list = this.segmentsList; return list.length === 0 ? [] : list[list.length - 1]; } /** * A flag which shows empty. * @type {boolean} */ get empty() { return this.segmentsList.length === 0; } /** * A flag which shows reachable. * @type {boolean} */ get reachable() { const segments = this.head; return segments.length > 0 && segments.some(isReachable); } /** * Creates new segments from this context. * * @param {number} begin - The first index of previous segments. * @param {number} end - The last index of previous segments. * @returns {CodePathSegment[]} New segments. */ makeNext(begin, end) { return makeSegments(this, begin, end, CodePathSegment.newNext); } /** * Creates new segments from this context. * The new segments is always unreachable. * * @param {number} begin - The first index of previous segments. * @param {number} end - The last index of previous segments. * @returns {CodePathSegment[]} New segments. */ makeUnreachable(begin, end) { return makeSegments(this, begin, end, CodePathSegment.newUnreachable); } /** * Creates new segments from this context. * The new segments don't have connections for previous segments. * But these inherit the reachable flag from this context. * * @param {number} begin - The first index of previous segments. * @param {number} end - The last index of previous segments. * @returns {CodePathSegment[]} New segments. */ makeDisconnected(begin, end) { return makeSegments(this, begin, end, CodePathSegment.newDisconnected); } /** * Adds segments into this context. * The added segments become the head. * * @param {CodePathSegment[]} segments - Segments to add. * @returns {void} */ add(segments) { assert(segments.length >= this.count, `${segments.length} >= ${this.count}`); this.segmentsList.push(mergeExtraSegments(this, segments)); } /** * Replaces the head segments with given segments. * The current head segments are removed. * * @param {CodePathSegment[]} segments - Segments to add. * @returns {void} */ replaceHead(segments) { assert(segments.length >= this.count, `${segments.length} >= ${this.count}`); this.segmentsList.splice(-1, 1, mergeExtraSegments(this, segments)); } /** * Adds all segments of a given fork context into this context. * * @param {ForkContext} context - A fork context to add. * @returns {void} */ addAll(context) { assert(context.count === this.count); const source = context.segmentsList; for (let i = 0; i < source.length; ++i) { this.segmentsList.push(source[i]); } } /** * Clears all secments in this context. * * @returns {void} */ clear() { this.segmentsList = []; } /** * Creates the root fork context. * * @param {IdGenerator} idGenerator - An identifier generator for segments. * @returns {ForkContext} New fork context. */ static newRoot(idGenerator) { const context = new ForkContext(idGenerator, null, 1); context.add([CodePathSegment.newRoot(idGenerator.next())]); return context; } /** * Creates an empty fork context preceded by a given context. * * @param {ForkContext} parentContext - The parent fork context. * @param {boolean} forkLeavingPath - A flag which shows inside of `finally` block. * @returns {ForkContext} New fork context. */ static newEmpty(parentContext, forkLeavingPath) { return new ForkContext( parentContext.idGenerator, parentContext, (forkLeavingPath ? 2 : 1) * parentContext.count ); } } module.exports = ForkContext;