/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */ /** @author Brian Cavalier */ /** @author John Hann */ (function(define) { 'use strict'; define(function(require) { var setTimer = require('../env').setTimer; var format = require('../format'); return function unhandledRejection(Promise) { var logError = noop; var logInfo = noop; var localConsole; if(typeof console !== 'undefined') { // Alias console to prevent things like uglify's drop_console option from // removing console.log/error. Unhandled rejections fall into the same // category as uncaught exceptions, and build tools shouldn't silence them. localConsole = console; logError = typeof localConsole.error !== 'undefined' ? function (e) { localConsole.error(e); } : function (e) { localConsole.log(e); }; logInfo = typeof localConsole.info !== 'undefined' ? function (e) { localConsole.info(e); } : function (e) { localConsole.log(e); }; } Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection = function(rejection) { enqueue(report, rejection); }; Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejectionHandled = function(rejection) { enqueue(unreport, rejection); }; Promise.onFatalRejection = function(rejection) { enqueue(throwit, rejection.value); }; var tasks = []; var reported = []; var running = null; function report(r) { if(!r.handled) { reported.push(r); logError('Potentially unhandled rejection [' + r.id + '] ' + format.formatError(r.value)); } } function unreport(r) { var i = reported.indexOf(r); if(i >= 0) { reported.splice(i, 1); logInfo('Handled previous rejection [' + r.id + '] ' + format.formatObject(r.value)); } } function enqueue(f, x) { tasks.push(f, x); if(running === null) { running = setTimer(flush, 0); } } function flush() { running = null; while(tasks.length > 0) { tasks.shift()(tasks.shift()); } } return Promise; }; function throwit(e) { throw e; } function noop() {} }); }(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));