const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); const { Tracer } = require("chrome-trace-event"); const validateOptions = require("schema-utils"); const schema = require("../../schemas/plugins/debug/ProfilingPlugin.json"); /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/plugins/debug/ProfilingPlugin").ProfilingPluginOptions} ProfilingPluginOptions */ let inspector = undefined; try { // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins inspector = require("inspector"); } catch (e) { console.log("Unable to CPU profile in < node 8.0"); } class Profiler { constructor(inspector) { this.session = undefined; this.inspector = inspector; } hasSession() { return this.session !== undefined; } startProfiling() { if (this.inspector === undefined) { return Promise.resolve(); } try { this.session = new inspector.Session(); this.session.connect(); } catch (_) { this.session = undefined; return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.all([ this.sendCommand("Profiler.setSamplingInterval", { interval: 100 }), this.sendCommand("Profiler.enable"), this.sendCommand("Profiler.start") ]); } sendCommand(method, params) { if (this.hasSession()) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { return, params, (err, params) => { if (err !== null) { rej(err); } else { res(params); } }); }); } else { return Promise.resolve(); } } destroy() { if (this.hasSession()) { this.session.disconnect(); } return Promise.resolve(); } stopProfiling() { return this.sendCommand("Profiler.stop"); } } /** * an object that wraps Tracer and Profiler with a counter * @typedef {Object} Trace * @property {Tracer} trace instance of Tracer * @property {number} counter Counter * @property {Profiler} profiler instance of Profiler * @property {Function} end the end function */ /** * @param {string} outputPath The location where to write the log. * @returns {Trace} The trace object */ const createTrace = outputPath => { const trace = new Tracer({ noStream: true }); const profiler = new Profiler(inspector); if (/\/|\\/.test(outputPath)) { const dirPath = path.dirname(outputPath); mkdirp.sync(dirPath); } const fsStream = fs.createWriteStream(outputPath); let counter = 0; trace.pipe(fsStream); // These are critical events that need to be inserted so that tools like // chrome dev tools can load the profile. trace.instantEvent({ name: "TracingStartedInPage", id: ++counter, cat: ["disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline"], args: { data: { sessionId: "-1", page: "0xfff", frames: [ { frame: "0xfff", url: "webpack", name: "" } ] } } }); trace.instantEvent({ name: "TracingStartedInBrowser", id: ++counter, cat: ["disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline"], args: { data: { sessionId: "-1" } } }); return { trace, counter, profiler, end: callback => { // Wait until the write stream finishes. fsStream.on("finish", () => { callback(); }); // Tear down the readable trace stream. trace.push(null); } }; }; const pluginName = "ProfilingPlugin"; class ProfilingPlugin { /** * @param {ProfilingPluginOptions=} opts options object */ constructor(opts) { validateOptions(schema, opts || {}, "Profiling plugin"); opts = opts || {}; this.outputPath = opts.outputPath || "events.json"; } apply(compiler) { const tracer = createTrace(this.outputPath); tracer.profiler.startProfiling(); // Compiler Hooks Object.keys(compiler.hooks).forEach(hookName => { compiler.hooks[hookName].intercept( makeInterceptorFor("Compiler", tracer)(hookName) ); }); Object.keys(compiler.resolverFactory.hooks).forEach(hookName => { compiler.resolverFactory.hooks[hookName].intercept( makeInterceptorFor("Resolver", tracer)(hookName) ); }); compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( pluginName, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory, contextModuleFactory }) => { interceptAllHooksFor(compilation, tracer, "Compilation"); interceptAllHooksFor( normalModuleFactory, tracer, "Normal Module Factory" ); interceptAllHooksFor( contextModuleFactory, tracer, "Context Module Factory" ); interceptAllParserHooks(normalModuleFactory, tracer); interceptTemplateInstancesFrom(compilation, tracer); } ); // We need to write out the CPU profile when we are all done. compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync( { name: pluginName, stage: Infinity }, (stats, callback) => { tracer.profiler.stopProfiling().then(parsedResults => { if (parsedResults === undefined) { tracer.profiler.destroy(); tracer.trace.flush(); tracer.end(callback); return; } const cpuStartTime = parsedResults.profile.startTime; const cpuEndTime = parsedResults.profile.endTime; tracer.trace.completeEvent({ name: "TaskQueueManager::ProcessTaskFromWorkQueue", id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ["toplevel"], ts: cpuStartTime, args: { src_file: "../../ipc/", src_func: "Accept" } }); tracer.trace.completeEvent({ name: "EvaluateScript", id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ["devtools.timeline"], ts: cpuStartTime, dur: cpuEndTime - cpuStartTime, args: { data: { url: "webpack", lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 1, frame: "0xFFF" } } }); tracer.trace.instantEvent({ name: "CpuProfile", id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ["disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline"], ts: cpuEndTime, args: { data: { cpuProfile: parsedResults.profile } } }); tracer.profiler.destroy(); tracer.trace.flush(); tracer.end(callback); }); } ); } } const interceptTemplateInstancesFrom = (compilation, tracer) => { const { mainTemplate, chunkTemplate, hotUpdateChunkTemplate, moduleTemplates } = compilation; const { javascript, webassembly } = moduleTemplates; [ { instance: mainTemplate, name: "MainTemplate" }, { instance: chunkTemplate, name: "ChunkTemplate" }, { instance: hotUpdateChunkTemplate, name: "HotUpdateChunkTemplate" }, { instance: javascript, name: "JavaScriptModuleTemplate" }, { instance: webassembly, name: "WebAssemblyModuleTemplate" } ].forEach(templateObject => { Object.keys(templateObject.instance.hooks).forEach(hookName => { templateObject.instance.hooks[hookName].intercept( makeInterceptorFor(, tracer)(hookName) ); }); }); }; const interceptAllHooksFor = (instance, tracer, logLabel) => { if (Reflect.has(instance, "hooks")) { Object.keys(instance.hooks).forEach(hookName => { instance.hooks[hookName].intercept( makeInterceptorFor(logLabel, tracer)(hookName) ); }); } }; const interceptAllParserHooks = (moduleFactory, tracer) => { const moduleTypes = [ "javascript/auto", "javascript/dynamic", "javascript/esm", "json", "webassembly/experimental" ]; moduleTypes.forEach(moduleType => { moduleFactory.hooks.parser .for(moduleType) .tap("ProfilingPlugin", (parser, parserOpts) => { interceptAllHooksFor(parser, tracer, "Parser"); }); }); }; const makeInterceptorFor = (instance, tracer) => hookName => ({ register: ({ name, type, context, fn }) => { const newFn = makeNewProfiledTapFn(hookName, tracer, { name, type, fn }); return { name, type, context, fn: newFn }; } }); // TODO improve typing /** @typedef {(...args: TODO[]) => void | Promise} PluginFunction */ /** * @param {string} hookName Name of the hook to profile. * @param {Trace} tracer The trace object. * @param {object} options Options for the profiled fn. * @param {string} Plugin name * @param {string} options.type Plugin type (sync | async | promise) * @param {PluginFunction} options.fn Plugin function * @returns {PluginFunction} Chainable hooked function. */ const makeNewProfiledTapFn = (hookName, tracer, { name, type, fn }) => { const defaultCategory = ["blink.user_timing"]; switch (type) { case "promise": return (...args) => { const id = ++tracer.counter; tracer.trace.begin({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); const promise = /** @type {Promise<*>} */ (fn(...args)); return promise.then(r => { tracer.trace.end({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); return r; }); }; case "async": return (...args) => { const id = ++tracer.counter; tracer.trace.begin({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); fn(...args, (...r) => { const callback = args.pop(); tracer.trace.end({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); callback(...r); }); }; case "sync": return (...args) => { const id = ++tracer.counter; // Do not instrument ourself due to the CPU // profile needing to be the last event in the trace. if (name === pluginName) { return fn(...args); } tracer.trace.begin({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); let r; try { r = fn(...args); } catch (error) { tracer.trace.end({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); throw error; } tracer.trace.end({ name, id, cat: defaultCategory }); return r; }; default: break; } }; module.exports = ProfilingPlugin; module.exports.Profiler = Profiler;