/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Joel Denning @joeldenning */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const Template = require("./Template"); /** @typedef {import("./Compilation")} Compilation */ /** * @typedef {Object} SystemMainTemplatePluginOptions * @param {string=} name the library name */ class SystemMainTemplatePlugin { /** * @param {SystemMainTemplatePluginOptions} options the plugin options */ constructor(options) { this.name = options.name; } /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compilation) { const { mainTemplate, chunkTemplate } = compilation; const onRenderWithEntry = (source, chunk, hash) => { const externals = chunk.getModules().filter(m => m.external); // The name this bundle should be registered as with System const name = this.name ? `${JSON.stringify(this.name)}, ` : ""; // The array of dependencies that are external to webpack and will be provided by System const systemDependencies = JSON.stringify( externals.map(m => typeof m.request === "object" ? m.request.amd : m.request ) ); // The name of the variable provided by System for exporting const dynamicExport = "__WEBPACK_DYNAMIC_EXPORT__"; // An array of the internal variable names for the webpack externals const externalWebpackNames = externals.map( m => `__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_${Template.toIdentifier(`${m.id}`)}__` ); // Declaring variables for the internal variable names for the webpack externals const externalVarDeclarations = externalWebpackNames.length > 0 ? `var ${externalWebpackNames.join(", ")};` : ""; // The system.register format requires an array of setter functions for externals. const setters = externalWebpackNames.length === 0 ? "" : Template.asString([ "setters: [", Template.indent( externalWebpackNames .map(external => Template.asString([ "function(module) {", Template.indent(`${external} = module;`), "}" ]) ) .join(",\n") ), "]," ]); return new ConcatSource( Template.asString([ `System.register(${name}${systemDependencies}, function(${dynamicExport}) {`, Template.indent([ externalVarDeclarations, "return {", Template.indent([ setters, "execute: function() {", Template.indent(`${dynamicExport}(`) ]) ]) ]) + "\n", source, "\n" + Template.asString([ Template.indent([ Template.indent([Template.indent([");"]), "}"]), "};" ]), "})" ]) ); }; for (const template of [mainTemplate, chunkTemplate]) { template.hooks.renderWithEntry.tap( "SystemMainTemplatePlugin", onRenderWithEntry ); } mainTemplate.hooks.globalHashPaths.tap( "SystemMainTemplatePlugin", paths => { if (this.name) { paths.push(this.name); } return paths; } ); mainTemplate.hooks.hash.tap("SystemMainTemplatePlugin", hash => { hash.update("exports system"); if (this.name) { hash.update(this.name); } }); } } module.exports = SystemMainTemplatePlugin;