"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(require("crypto")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _sourceMap = require("source-map"); var _webpackSources = require("webpack-sources"); var _RequestShortener = _interopRequireDefault(require("webpack/lib/RequestShortener")); var _ModuleFilenameHelpers = _interopRequireDefault(require("webpack/lib/ModuleFilenameHelpers")); var _schemaUtils = _interopRequireDefault(require("schema-utils")); var _serializeJavascript = _interopRequireDefault(require("serialize-javascript")); var _package = _interopRequireDefault(require("terser/package.json")); var _options = _interopRequireDefault(require("./options.json")); var _TaskRunner = _interopRequireDefault(require("./TaskRunner")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } const warningRegex = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/; class TerserPlugin { constructor(options = {}) { (0, _schemaUtils.default)(_options.default, options, 'Terser Plugin'); const { minify, terserOptions = {}, test = /\.m?js(\?.*)?$/i, chunkFilter = () => true, warningsFilter = () => true, extractComments = false, sourceMap = false, cache = false, cacheKeys = defaultCacheKeys => defaultCacheKeys, parallel = false, include, exclude } = options; this.options = { test, chunkFilter, warningsFilter, extractComments, sourceMap, cache, cacheKeys, parallel, include, exclude, minify, terserOptions: _objectSpread({ output: { comments: extractComments ? false : /^\**!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i } }, terserOptions) }; } static isSourceMap(input) { // All required options for `new SourceMapConsumer(...options)` // https://github.com/mozilla/source-map#new-sourcemapconsumerrawsourcemap return Boolean(input && input.version && input.sources && Array.isArray(input.sources) && typeof input.mappings === 'string'); } static buildSourceMap(inputSourceMap) { if (!inputSourceMap || !TerserPlugin.isSourceMap(inputSourceMap)) { return null; } return new _sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(inputSourceMap); } static buildError(err, file, sourceMap, requestShortener) { // Handling error which should have line, col, filename and message if (err.line) { const original = sourceMap && sourceMap.originalPositionFor({ line: err.line, column: err.col }); if (original && original.source && requestShortener) { return new Error(`${file} from Terser\n${err.message} [${requestShortener.shorten(original.source)}:${original.line},${original.column}][${file}:${err.line},${err.col}]`); } return new Error(`${file} from Terser\n${err.message} [${file}:${err.line},${err.col}]`); } else if (err.stack) { return new Error(`${file} from Terser\n${err.stack}`); } return new Error(`${file} from Terser\n${err.message}`); } static buildWarning(warning, file, sourceMap, requestShortener, warningsFilter) { let warningMessage = warning; let locationMessage = ''; let source = null; if (sourceMap) { const match = warningRegex.exec(warning); if (match) { const line = +match[1]; const column = +match[2]; const original = sourceMap.originalPositionFor({ line, column }); if (original && original.source && original.source !== file && requestShortener) { ({ source } = original); warningMessage = `${warningMessage.replace(warningRegex, '')}`; locationMessage = `[${requestShortener.shorten(original.source)}:${original.line},${original.column}]`; } } } if (warningsFilter && !warningsFilter(warning, source)) { return null; } return `Terser Plugin: ${warningMessage}${locationMessage}`; } apply(compiler) { const buildModuleFn = moduleArg => { // to get detailed location info about errors moduleArg.useSourceMap = true; }; const optimizeFn = (compilation, chunks, callback) => { const taskRunner = new _TaskRunner.default({ cache: this.options.cache, parallel: this.options.parallel }); const processedAssets = new WeakSet(); const tasks = []; const { chunkFilter } = this.options; Array.from(chunks).filter(chunk => chunkFilter && chunkFilter(chunk)).reduce((acc, chunk) => acc.concat(chunk.files || []), []).concat(compilation.additionalChunkAssets || []).filter(_ModuleFilenameHelpers.default.matchObject.bind(null, this.options)).forEach(file => { let inputSourceMap; const asset = compilation.assets[file]; if (processedAssets.has(asset)) { return; } try { let input; if (this.options.sourceMap && asset.sourceAndMap) { const { source, map } = asset.sourceAndMap(); input = source; if (TerserPlugin.isSourceMap(map)) { inputSourceMap = map; } else { inputSourceMap = map; compilation.warnings.push(new Error(`${file} contains invalid source map`)); } } else { input = asset.source(); inputSourceMap = null; } // Handling comment extraction let commentsFile = false; if (this.options.extractComments) { commentsFile = this.options.extractComments.filename || `${file}.LICENSE`; if (typeof commentsFile === 'function') { commentsFile = commentsFile(file); } } const task = { file, input, inputSourceMap, commentsFile, extractComments: this.options.extractComments, terserOptions: this.options.terserOptions, minify: this.options.minify }; if (this.options.cache) { const defaultCacheKeys = { terser: _package.default.version, node_version: process.version, // eslint-disable-next-line global-require 'terser-webpack-plugin': require('../package.json').version, 'terser-webpack-plugin-options': this.options, hash: _crypto.default.createHash('md4').update(input).digest('hex') }; task.cacheKeys = this.options.cacheKeys(defaultCacheKeys, file); } tasks.push(task); } catch (error) { compilation.errors.push(TerserPlugin.buildError(error, file, TerserPlugin.buildSourceMap(inputSourceMap), new _RequestShortener.default(compiler.context))); } }); taskRunner.run(tasks, (tasksError, results) => { if (tasksError) { compilation.errors.push(tasksError); return; } results.forEach((data, index) => { const { file, input, inputSourceMap, commentsFile } = tasks[index]; const { error, map, code, warnings } = data; let { extractedComments } = data; let sourceMap = null; if (error || warnings && warnings.length > 0) { sourceMap = TerserPlugin.buildSourceMap(inputSourceMap); } // Handling results // Error case: add errors, and go to next file if (error) { compilation.errors.push(TerserPlugin.buildError(error, file, sourceMap, new _RequestShortener.default(compiler.context))); return; } let outputSource; if (map) { outputSource = new _webpackSources.SourceMapSource(code, file, JSON.parse(map), input, inputSourceMap); } else { outputSource = new _webpackSources.RawSource(code); } // Write extracted comments to commentsFile if (commentsFile && extractedComments && extractedComments.length > 0) { if (commentsFile in compilation.assets) { const commentsFileSource = compilation.assets[commentsFile].source(); extractedComments = extractedComments.filter(comment => !commentsFileSource.includes(comment)); } if (extractedComments.length > 0) { // Add a banner to the original file if (this.options.extractComments.banner !== false) { let banner = this.options.extractComments.banner || `For license information please see ${_path.default.posix.basename(commentsFile)}`; if (typeof banner === 'function') { banner = banner(commentsFile); } if (banner) { outputSource = new _webpackSources.ConcatSource(`/*! ${banner} */\n`, outputSource); } } const commentsSource = new _webpackSources.RawSource(`${extractedComments.join('\n\n')}\n`); if (commentsFile in compilation.assets) { // commentsFile already exists, append new comments... if (compilation.assets[commentsFile] instanceof _webpackSources.ConcatSource) { compilation.assets[commentsFile].add('\n'); compilation.assets[commentsFile].add(commentsSource); } else { compilation.assets[commentsFile] = new _webpackSources.ConcatSource(compilation.assets[commentsFile], '\n', commentsSource); } } else { compilation.assets[commentsFile] = commentsSource; } } } // Updating assets processedAssets.add(compilation.assets[file] = outputSource); // Handling warnings if (warnings && warnings.length > 0) { warnings.forEach(warning => { const builtWarning = TerserPlugin.buildWarning(warning, file, sourceMap, new _RequestShortener.default(compiler.context), this.options.warningsFilter); if (builtWarning) { compilation.warnings.push(builtWarning); } }); } }); taskRunner.exit(); callback(); }); }; const plugin = { name: this.constructor.name }; compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(plugin, compilation => { if (this.options.sourceMap) { compilation.hooks.buildModule.tap(plugin, buildModuleFn); } const { mainTemplate, chunkTemplate } = compilation; // Regenerate `contenthash` for minified assets for (const template of [mainTemplate, chunkTemplate]) { template.hooks.hashForChunk.tap(plugin, hash => { const data = (0, _serializeJavascript.default)({ terser: _package.default.version, terserOptions: this.options.terserOptions }); hash.update('TerserPlugin'); hash.update(data); }); } compilation.hooks.optimizeChunkAssets.tapAsync(plugin, optimizeFn.bind(this, compilation)); }); } } var _default = TerserPlugin; exports.default = _default;