'use strict'; module.exports = function (padEnd, t) { t.test('normal cases', function (st) { st.equal(padEnd('a', 3, 'b'), 'abb', 'string pads end with single character'); st.equal(padEnd('abc', 3, 'd'), 'abc', 'string already of maximum length noops'); st.equal(padEnd('abc', -3, 'd'), 'abc', 'string already larger than maximum length noops'); st.equal(padEnd('cd', 3, 'ab'), 'cda', 'string with maximum length equal to length plus filler length, pads'); st.equal(padEnd('abc'), 'abc', 'absent maximum length is noop'); st.equal(padEnd('a', 3), 'a ', 'absent fillStr defaults to a space'); st.equal(padEnd('ed', 6, null), 'ednull', 'non-string fillStr gets stringified'); st.end(); }); t.test('truncated fill string', function (st) { st.equal(padEnd('a', 2, 'bc'), 'ab', 'truncates at the provided max length'); st.end(); }); t.test('exceptions', function (st) { st.end(); }); };