'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var hash = require('../index'); var validSha1 = /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i; describe('hash()ing different types', function() { it('hashes non-object types', function() { var func = function(a){ return a + 1; }; assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash('Shazbot!')), 'hash string'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(42)), 'hash number'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(NaN)), 'hash bool'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(true)), 'hash bool'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(func)), 'hash function'); }); it('hashes special object types', function() { var dt = new Date(); dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + 1); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash([1,2,3,4])), 'hash array'); assert.notEqual(hash([1,2,3,4]), hash([4,3,2,1]), 'different arrays not equal'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Date())), 'hash date'); assert.notEqual(hash(new Date()), hash(dt), 'different dates not equal'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(null)), 'hash Null'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(Number.NaN)), 'hash NaN'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash({ foo: undefined })), 'hash Undefined value'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new RegExp())), 'hash regex'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Error())), 'hash error'); }); it('hashes node.js-internal object types', function() { if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(process)), 'hash process'); } var timer = setTimeout(function() {}, 0); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(timer)), 'hash timer'); }); if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') { it('hashes Symbols', function() { assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(Symbol('Banana'))), 'hash error'); }); } if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') { it("Buffers can be hashed", function() { assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Buffer('Banana'))), 'hashes Buffers'); }); } if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') { it("Typed arrays can be hashed", function() { assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Uint8Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Int8Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Int8Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Uint16Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Uint16Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Int16Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Int16Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Uint32Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Uint32Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Int32Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Int32Array'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Float32Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Float32Array'); if (typeof Float64Array !== 'undefined') assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Float64Array([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Float64Array'); if (typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined') assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Uint8ClampedArray([1,2,3,4]))), 'hashes Uint8ClampedArray'); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]).buffer)), 'hashes ArrayBuffer'); }); } if (typeof Map !== 'undefined') { it("Maps can be hashed", function() { var map = new Map([['a',1],['b',2]]); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(map)), 'hashes Maps'); }); } if (typeof WeakMap !== 'undefined') { it("WeakMaps can’t be hashed", function() { var map = new WeakMap([[{foo: 'bar'},1]]); assert.throws(function() { validSha1.test(hash(map)) }, 'does not hash WeakMaps'); }); } if (typeof Set !== 'undefined') { it("Sets can be hashed", function() { var set = new Set(['you', 'du', 'tu', 'あなた', '您']); assert.ok(validSha1.test(hash(set)), 'hashes Sets'); }); } if (typeof WeakSet !== 'undefined') { it("WeakSets can’t be hashed", function() { var obj = {foo: 'bar'}; var set = new WeakSet([obj]); assert.throws(function() { validSha1.test(hash(set)) }, 'does not hash WeakSets'); }); } it("Builtin types themselves can be hashed", function() { var hashcount = {}; var types = [Object, Date, Number, String, Function, RegExp, Error, 0, null, NaN]; if (typeof WeakSet !== 'undefined') types.push(WeakSet); if (typeof Set !== 'undefined') types.push(Set); if (typeof WeakMap !== 'undefined') types.push(WeakMap); if (typeof Map !== 'undefined') types.push(Map); if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') types.push(Symbol); if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') types.push(Uint8Array); // Hash each type for (var idx in types) { var h = hash(types[idx]); assert.ok(validSha1.test(h)); hashcount[h] = (hashcount[h] || 0) + 1; } // Check for collisions var no = 0; for (var h in hashcount) { assert.equal(hashcount[h], 1); no++; } // Self check; did we really hash all the types? assert.equal(no, types.length); }); it("Builtin types might result in identical hashes with respectFunctionNames = false", function() { var hashcount = {}; var types = [Object, Date, Number, String, Function, RegExp, Error, 0, null, NaN]; if (typeof WeakSet !== 'undefined') types.push(WeakSet); if (typeof Set !== 'undefined') types.push(Set); if (typeof WeakMap !== 'undefined') types.push(WeakMap); if (typeof Map !== 'undefined') types.push(Map); if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') types.push(Symbol); if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') types.push(Uint8Array); // Hash each type for (var idx in types) { var h = hash(types[idx], { respectFunctionNames: false }); assert.ok(validSha1.test(h)); hashcount[h] = (hashcount[h] || 0) + 1; } // Check for collisions var no = 0; for (var h in hashcount) { assert.ok(hashcount[h] >= 1); no += hashcount[h]; } // Self check; did we really hash all the types? assert.equal(no, types.length); }); it("Functions with identical bodies and different names result in identical hashes with respectFunctionNames = false", function() { var fn1 = function a() {}; var fn2 = function b() {}; var toStringDummy = function() { return '...'; }; fn1.toString = toStringDummy; fn2.toString = toStringDummy; var h1 = hash(fn1, { respectFunctionNames: false }); var h2 = hash(fn2, { respectFunctionNames: false }); assert.strictEqual(h1, h2); }); });