/*eslint new-cap: ["error", {"capIsNewExceptions": ["Color"]}]*/ var assert = require('assert'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), read = fs.readFileSync, sassPath = process.env.NODESASS_COV ? require.resolve('../lib-cov') : require.resolve('../lib'), sass = require(sassPath), fixture = path.join.bind(null, __dirname, 'fixtures'), resolveFixture = path.resolve.bind(null, __dirname, 'fixtures'); describe('api', function() { describe('.render(options, callback)', function() { beforeEach(function() { delete process.env.SASS_PATH; }); it('should compile sass to css with file', function(done) { var expected = read(fixture('simple/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: true, outFile: fixture('simple/index-test.css') }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, 'index-test.css'); done(); }); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: true, outFile: './index-test.css' }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, 'index-test.css'); done(); }); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: './deep/nested/index.map', outFile: './index-test.css' }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, '../../index-test.css'); done(); }); }); it('should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: './deep/nested/index.map', sourceMapRoot: 'http://test.com/', outFile: './index-test.css' }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).sourceRoot, 'http://test.com/'); done(); }); }); it('should compile sass to css with data', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('simple/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); sass.render({ data: src }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should compile sass to css using indented syntax', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('indent/index.sass'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('indent/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); sass.render({ data: src, indentedSyntax: true }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should NOT compile empty data string', function(done) { sass.render({ data: '' }, function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'No input specified: provide a file name or a source string to process'); done(); }); }); it('should NOT compile without any input', function(done) { sass.render({ }, function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'No input specified: provide a file name or a source string to process'); done(); }); }); it('should returnn error status 1 for bad input', function(done) { sass.render({ data: '#navbar width 80%;' }, function(error) { assert(error.message); assert.equal(error.status, 1); done(); }); }); it('should compile with include paths', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('include-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('include-path/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [ fixture('include-path/functions'), fixture('include-path/lib') ] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should add cwd to the front on include paths', function(done) { var src = fixture('cwd-include-path/root/index.scss'); var expected = read(fixture('cwd-include-path/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var cwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(fixture('cwd-include-path')); sass.render({ file: src, includePaths: [] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); process.chdir(cwd); done(); }); }); it('should check SASS_PATH in the specified order', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('sass-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expectedRed = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-red.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var expectedOrange = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-orange.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var envIncludes = [ fixture('sass-path/red'), fixture('sass-path/orange') ]; process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.join(path.delimiter); sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedRed.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); }); process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.reverse().join(path.delimiter); sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedOrange.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should prefer include path over SASS_PATH', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('sass-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expectedRed = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-red.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var expectedOrange = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-orange.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var envIncludes = [ fixture('sass-path/red') ]; process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.join(path.delimiter); sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedRed.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); }); sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [fixture('sass-path/orange')] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedOrange.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should render with precision option', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('precision/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('precision/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); sass.render({ data: src, precision: 10 }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); }); it('should contain all included files in stats when data is passed', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('include-files/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = [ fixture('include-files/bar.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/foo.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/') ]; sass.render({ data: src, includePaths: [fixture('include-files')] }, function(error, result) { assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, expected); done(); }); }); it('should render with indentWidth and indentType options', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: transparent; }', indentWidth: 7, indentType: 'tab' }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: transparent; }'); done(); }); }); it('should render with linefeed option', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: transparent; }', linefeed: 'lfcr' }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n\r color: transparent; }'); done(); }); }); }); describe('.render(importer)', function() { var src = read(fixture('include-files/index.scss'), 'utf8'); it('should respect the order of chained imports when using custom importers and one file is custom imported and the other is not.', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/chained-imports-with-custom-importer.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { // NOTE: to see that this test failure is only due to the stated // issue do each of the following and see that the tests pass. // // a) add `return sass.NULL;` as the first line in this function to // cause non-custom importers to always be used. // b) comment out the conditional below to force our custom // importer to always be used. // // You will notice that the tests pass when either all native, or // all custom importers are used, but not when a native + custom // import chain is used. if (url !== 'file-processed-by-loader') { return sass.NULL; } done({ file: fixture('include-files/' + url + '.scss') }); } }, function(err, data) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal( data.css.toString().trim(), 'body {\n color: "red"; }' ); done(); }); }); it('should still call the next importer with the resolved prev path when the previous importer returned both a file and contents property - issue #1219', function(done) { sass.render({ data: '@import "a";', importer: function(url, prev, done) { if (url === 'a') { done({ file: '/Users/me/sass/lib/a.scss', contents: '@import "b"' }); } else { assert.equal(prev, '/Users/me/sass/lib/a.scss'); done({ file: '/Users/me/sass/lib/b.scss', contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }); } } }, function() { done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file and contents', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url, prev, done) { done({ file: '/some/other/path.scss', contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should should resolve imports depth first', function (done) { var actualImportOrder = []; var expectedImportOrder = [ 'a', '_common', 'vars', 'struct', 'a1', 'common', 'vars', 'struct', 'b', 'b1' ]; var expected = read(fixture('depth-first/expected.css')); sass.render({ file: fixture('depth-first/index.scss'), importer: function (url, prev, done) { actualImportOrder.push(url); done(); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected); assert.deepEqual(actualImportOrder, expectedImportOrder); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file and contents', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done({ file: '/some/other/path.scss', contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: prev + url, contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: prev + url, contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url, /* jshint unused:false */ prev, done) { done({ file: path.resolve(path.dirname(fixture('include-files/index.scss')), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done({ file: path.resolve(path.dirname(prev), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns file', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url) { return { file: path.resolve(path.dirname(fixture('include-files/index.scss')), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns file', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: path.resolve(path.dirname(prev), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns sass.NULL', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done(sass.NULL); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns null for backwards compatibility', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done(null); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns undefined for backwards compatibility', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done(undefined); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns false for backwards compatibility', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done(false); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with contents', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url, prev, done) { done({ contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with contents', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev, done) { done({ contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }); } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns contents', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns contents', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: [ function() { return sass.NULL; }, function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } ] }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); }); it('should be able to see its options in this.options', function(done) { var fxt = fixture('include-files/index.scss'); sass.render({ file: fxt, importer: function() { assert.equal(fxt, this.options.file); return {}; } }, function() { assert.equal(fxt, this.options.file); done(); }); }); it('should be able to access a persistent options object', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function() { this.state = this.state || 0; this.state++; return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }, function() { assert.equal(this.state, 2); done(); }); }); it('should wrap importer options', function(done) { var options; options = { data: src, importer: function() { assert.notStrictEqual(this.options.importer, options.importer); return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }; sass.render(options, function() { done(); }); }); it('should reflect user-defined error when returned as callback', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function(url, prev, done) { done(new Error('doesn\'t exist!')); } }, function(error) { assert(/doesn\'t exist!/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should reflect user-defined error with return', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function() { return new Error('doesn\'t exist!'); } }, function(error) { assert(/doesn\'t exist!/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should throw exception when importer returns an invalid value', function(done) { sass.render({ data: src, importer: function() { return { contents: new Buffer('i am not a string!') }; } }, function(error) { assert(/returned value of `contents` must be a string/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); }); describe('.render(functions)', function() { it('should call custom defined nullary function', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return new sass.types.Number(42, 'px'); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 42px; }'); done(); }); }); it('should call custom function with multiple args', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(3, 42px); }', functions: { 'foo($a, $b)': function(factor, size) { return new sass.types.Number(factor.getValue() * size.getValue(), size.getUnit()); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 126px; }'); done(); }); }); it('should work with custom functions that return data asynchronously', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(42px); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(size, done) { setTimeout(function() { done(new sass.types.Number(66, 'em')); }, 50); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 66em; }'); done(); }); }); it('should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (number)', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { width: foo(42px); height: bar(42px); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(size) { size.setUnit('rem'); return size; }, 'bar($a)': function(size) { size.setValue(size.getValue() * 2); return size; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n width: 42rem;\n height: 84px; }'); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert strings when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo("bar"); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(str) { str = str.getValue().replace(/['"]/g, ''); return new sass.types.String('"' + str + str + '"'); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: "barbar"; }'); done(); }); }); it('should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (string)', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { width: foo("bar"); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(str) { var unquoted = str.getValue().replace(/['"]/g, ''); str.setValue('"' + unquoted + unquoted + '"'); return str; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n width: "barbar"; }'); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert colors when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(#f00); background-color: bar(); border-color: baz(); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(color) { assert.equal(color.getR(), 255); assert.equal(color.getG(), 0); assert.equal(color.getB(), 0); assert.equal(color.getA(), 1.0); return new sass.types.Color(255, 255, 0, 0.5); }, 'bar()': function() { return new sass.types.Color(0x33ff00ff); }, 'baz()': function() { return new sass.types.Color(0xffff0000); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal( result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);' + '\n background-color: rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.2);' + '\n border-color: red; }' ); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert boolean when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: if(foo(true, false), #fff, #000);' + '\n background-color: if(foo(true, true), #fff, #000); }', functions: { 'foo($a, $b)': function(a, b) { return sass.types.Boolean(a.getValue() && b.getValue()); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: #000;\n background-color: #fff; }'); done(); }); }); it('should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (boolean)', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: if(foo(false), #fff, #000); background-color: if(foo(true), #fff, #000); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(a) { return a.getValue() ? sass.types.Boolean.FALSE : sass.types.Boolean.TRUE; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: #fff;\n background-color: #000; }'); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert lists when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: '$test-list: (bar, #f00, 123em); @each $item in foo($test-list) { .#{$item} { color: #fff; } }', functions: { 'foo($l)': function(list) { assert.equal(list.getLength(), 3); assert.ok(list.getValue(0) instanceof sass.types.String); assert.equal(list.getValue(0).getValue(), 'bar'); assert.ok(list.getValue(1) instanceof sass.types.Color); assert.equal(list.getValue(1).getR(), 0xff); assert.equal(list.getValue(1).getG(), 0); assert.equal(list.getValue(1).getB(), 0); assert.ok(list.getValue(2) instanceof sass.types.Number); assert.equal(list.getValue(2).getValue(), 123); assert.equal(list.getValue(2).getUnit(), 'em'); var out = new sass.types.List(3); out.setValue(0, new sass.types.String('foo')); out.setValue(1, new sass.types.String('bar')); out.setValue(2, new sass.types.String('baz')); return out; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal( result.css.toString().trim(), '.foo {\n color: #fff; }\n\n.bar {\n color: #fff; }\n\n.baz {\n color: #fff; }' ); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert maps when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: '$test-map: foo((abc: 123, #def: true)); div { color: if(map-has-key($test-map, hello), #fff, #000); }' + 'span { color: map-get($test-map, baz); }', functions: { 'foo($m)': function(map) { assert.equal(map.getLength(), 2); assert.ok(map.getKey(0) instanceof sass.types.String); assert.ok(map.getKey(1) instanceof sass.types.Color); assert.ok(map.getValue(0) instanceof sass.types.Number); assert.ok(map.getValue(1) instanceof sass.types.Boolean); assert.equal(map.getKey(0).getValue(), 'abc'); assert.equal(map.getValue(0).getValue(), 123); assert.equal(map.getKey(1).getR(), 0xdd); assert.equal(map.getValue(1).getValue(), true); var out = new sass.types.Map(3); out.setKey(0, new sass.types.String('hello')); out.setValue(0, new sass.types.String('world')); out.setKey(1, new sass.types.String('foo')); out.setValue(1, new sass.types.String('bar')); out.setKey(2, new sass.types.String('baz')); out.setValue(2, new sass.types.String('qux')); return out; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: #fff; }\n\nspan {\n color: qux; }'); done(); }); }); it('should properly convert null when calling custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: if(foo("bar"), #fff, #000); } ' + 'span { color: if(foo(null), #fff, #000); }' + 'table { color: if(bar() == null, #fff, #000); }', functions: { 'foo($a)': function(a) { return sass.types.Boolean(a instanceof sass.types.Null); }, 'bar()': function() { return sass.NULL; } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal( result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: #000; }\n\nspan {\n color: #fff; }\n\ntable {\n color: #fff; }' ); done(); }); }); it('should be possible to carry sass values across different renders', function(done) { var persistentMap; sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo((abc: #112233, #ddeeff: true)); }', functions: { foo: function(m) { persistentMap = m; return sass.types.Color(0, 0, 0); } } }, function() { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: map-get(bar(), abc); background-color: baz(); }', functions: { bar: function() { return persistentMap; }, baz: function() { return persistentMap.getKey(1); } } }, function(errror, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: #112233;\n background-color: #ddeeff; }'); done(); }); }); }); it('should let us register custom functions without signatures', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(20, 22); }', functions: { foo: function(a, b) { return new sass.types.Number(a.getValue() + b.getValue(), 'em'); } } }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 42em; }'); done(); }); }); it('should fail when returning anything other than a sass value from a custom function', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return {}; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/A SassValue object was expected/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should properly bubble up standard JS errors thrown by custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { throw new RangeError('This is a test error'); } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/This is a test error/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should properly bubble up unknown errors thrown by custom functions', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { throw {}; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/unexpected error/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should call custom functions with correct context', function(done) { function assertExpected(result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n foo1: 1;\n foo2: 2; }'); } var options = { data: 'div { foo1: foo(); foo2: foo(); }', functions: { // foo() is stateful and will persist an incrementing counter 'foo()': function() { assert(this); this.fooCounter = (this.fooCounter || 0) + 1; return new sass.types.Number(this.fooCounter); } } }; sass.render(options, function(error, result) { assertExpected(result); done(); }); }); describe('should properly bubble up errors from sass color constructor', function() { it('four booleans', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return new sass.types.Color(false, false, false, false); } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Constructor arguments should be numbers exclusively/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('two arguments', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return sass.types.Color(2,3); } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Constructor should be invoked with either 0, 1, 3 or 4 arguments/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('single string argument', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return sass.types.Color('foo'); } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Only argument should be an integer/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); }); it('should properly bubble up errors from sass value constructors', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return sass.types.Boolean('foo'); } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Expected one boolean argument/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should properly bubble up errors from sass value setters', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var ret = new sass.types.Number(42); ret.setUnit(123); return ret; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Supplied value should be a string/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should fail when trying to set a bare number as the List item', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var out = new sass.types.List(1); out.setValue(0, 2); return out; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/Supplied value should be a SassValue object/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the List item', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var out = new sass.types.List(1); out.setValue(0, {}); return out; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/A SassValue is expected as the list item/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map key', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var out = new sass.types.Map(1); out.setKey(0, {}); out.setValue(0, new sass.types.String('aaa')); return out; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/A SassValue is expected as a map key/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map value', function(done) { sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var out = new sass.types.Map(1); out.setKey(0, new sass.types.String('aaa')); out.setValue(0, {}); return out; } } }, function(error) { assert.ok(/A SassValue is expected as a map value/.test(error.message)); done(); }); }); it('should always map null, true and false to the same (immutable) object', function(done) { var counter = 0; sass.render({ data: 'div { color: foo(bar(null)); background-color: baz("foo" == "bar"); }', functions: { foo: function(a) { assert.strictEqual(a, sass.TRUE, 'Supplied value should be the same instance as sass.TRUE' ); assert.strictEqual( sass.types.Boolean(true), sass.types.Boolean(true), 'sass.types.Boolean(true) should return a singleton'); assert.strictEqual( sass.types.Boolean(true), sass.TRUE, 'sass.types.Boolean(true) should be the same instance as sass.TRUE'); counter++; return sass.types.String('foo'); }, bar: function(a) { assert.strictEqual(a, sass.NULL, 'Supplied value should be the same instance as sass.NULL'); assert.throws(function() { return new sass.types.Null(); }, /Cannot instantiate SassNull/); counter++; return sass.TRUE; }, baz: function(a) { assert.strictEqual(a, sass.FALSE, 'Supplied value should be the same instance as sass.FALSE'); assert.throws(function() { return new sass.types.Boolean(false); }, /Cannot instantiate SassBoolean/); assert.strictEqual( sass.types.Boolean(false), sass.types.Boolean(false), 'sass.types.Boolean(false) should return a singleton'); assert.strictEqual( sass.types.Boolean(false), sass.FALSE, 'sass.types.Boolean(false) should return singleton identical to sass.FALSE'); counter++; return sass.types.String('baz'); } } }, function() { assert.strictEqual(counter, 3); done(); }); }); }); describe('.render({stats: {}})', function() { var start = Date.now(); it('should provide a start timestamp', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert(!error); assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.start, 'number'); assert(result.stats.start >= start); done(); }); }); it('should provide an end timestamp', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert(!error); assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.end, 'number'); assert(result.stats.end >= result.stats.start); done(); }); }); it('should provide a duration', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert(!error); assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.duration, 'number'); assert.equal(result.stats.end - result.stats.start, result.stats.duration); done(); }); }); it('should contain the given entry file', function(done) { sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert(!error); assert.equal(result.stats.entry, fixture('include-files/index.scss')); done(); }); }); it('should contain an array of all included files', function(done) { var expected = [ fixture('include-files/bar.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/foo.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/index.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/') ]; sass.render({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert(!error); assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles.sort(), expected.sort()); done(); }); }); it('should contain array with the entry if there are no import statements', function(done) { var expected = fixture('simple/index.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'); sass.render({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss') }, function(error, result) { assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, [expected]); done(); }); }); it('should state `data` as entry file', function(done) { sass.render({ data: read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8') }, function(error, result) { assert.equal(result.stats.entry, 'data'); done(); }); }); it('should contain an empty array as includedFiles', function(done) { sass.render({ data: read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8') }, function(error, result) { assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, []); done(); }); }); }); describe('.renderSync(options)', function() { it('should compile sass to css with file', function(done) { var expected = read(fixture('simple/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss') }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: true, outFile: fixture('simple/index-test.css') }); assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, 'index-test.css'); done(); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: true, outFile: './index-test.css' }); assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, 'index-test.css'); done(); }); it('should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: './deep/nested/index.map', outFile: './index-test.css' }); assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).file, '../../index-test.css'); done(); }); it('should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss'), sourceMap: './deep/nested/index.map', sourceMapRoot: 'http://test.com/', outFile: './index-test.css' }); assert.equal(JSON.parse(result.map).sourceRoot, 'http://test.com/'); done(); }); it('should compile sass to css with data', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('simple/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should compile sass to css using indented syntax', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('indent/index.sass'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('indent/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, indentedSyntax: true }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should NOT compile empty data string', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: '' }); }, /No input specified: provide a file name or a source string to process/ ); done(); }); it('should NOT compile without any input', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({}); }, /No input specified: provide a file name or a source string to process/); done(); }); it('should throw error for bad input', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync('somestring'); }); assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: '#navbar width 80%;' }); }); done(); }); it('should compile with include paths', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('include-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('include-path/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [ fixture('include-path/functions'), fixture('include-path/lib') ] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should add cwd to the front on include paths', function(done) { var src = fixture('cwd-include-path/root/index.scss'); var expected = read(fixture('cwd-include-path/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var cwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(fixture('cwd-include-path')); var result = sass.renderSync({ file: src, includePaths: [ fixture('include-path/functions'), fixture('include-path/lib') ] }); process.chdir(cwd); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should check SASS_PATH in the specified order', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('sass-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expectedRed = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-red.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var expectedOrange = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-orange.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var envIncludes = [ fixture('sass-path/red'), fixture('sass-path/orange') ]; process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.join(path.delimiter); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedRed.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.reverse().join(path.delimiter); result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedOrange.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should prefer include path over SASS_PATH', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('sass-path/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expectedRed = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-red.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var expectedOrange = read(fixture('sass-path/expected-orange.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var envIncludes = [ fixture('sass-path/red') ]; process.env.SASS_PATH = envIncludes.join(path.delimiter); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedRed.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [fixture('sass-path/orange')] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expectedOrange.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should render with precision option', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('precision/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = read(fixture('precision/expected.css'), 'utf8').trim(); var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, precision: 10 }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), expected.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')); done(); }); it('should contain all included files in stats when data is passed', function(done) { var src = read(fixture('include-files/index.scss'), 'utf8'); var expected = [ fixture('include-files/bar.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/foo.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/') ]; var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, includePaths: [fixture('include-files')] }); assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, expected); done(); }); it('should render with indentWidth and indentType options', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: transparent; }', indentWidth: 7, indentType: 'tab' }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: transparent; }'); done(); }); it('should render with linefeed option', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: transparent; }', linefeed: 'lfcr' }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n\r color: transparent; }'); done(); }); }); describe('.renderSync(importer)', function() { var src = read(fixture('include-files/index.scss'), 'utf8'); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: prev + url, contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: prev + url, contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns file', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, importer: function(url) { return { file: path.resolve(path.dirname(fixture('include-files/index.scss')), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns file', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function(url, prev) { return { file: path.resolve(path.dirname(prev), url + (path.extname(url) ? '' : '.scss')) }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should override imports with "data" as input and returns contents', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: src, importer: function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); it('should override imports with "file" as input and returns contents', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns sass.NULL', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return sass.NULL; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns null for backwards compatibility', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return null; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns undefined for backwards compatibility', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return undefined; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns false for backwards compatibility', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { return false; } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), '/* foo.scss */\n/* bar.scss */'); done(); }); it('should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: [ function() { return sass.NULL; }, function() { return { contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }; } ] }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: yellow; }\n\ndiv {\n color: yellow; }'); done(); }); it('should be able to see its options in this.options', function(done) { var fxt = fixture('include-files/index.scss'); var sync = false; sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss'), importer: function() { assert.equal(fxt, this.options.file); sync = true; return {}; } }); assert.equal(sync, true); done(); }); it('should throw user-defined error', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: src, importer: function() { return new Error('doesn\'t exist!'); } }); }, /doesn\'t exist!/); done(); }); it('should throw exception when importer returns an invalid value', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: src, importer: function() { return { contents: new Buffer('i am not a string!') }; } }); }, /returned value of `contents` must be a string/); done(); }); }); describe('.renderSync(functions)', function() { it('should call custom function in sync mode', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { width: cos(0) * 50px; }', functions: { 'cos($a)': function(angle) { if (!(angle instanceof sass.types.Number)) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected type for "angle"'); } return new sass.types.Number(Math.cos(angle.getValue())); } } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n width: 50px; }'); done(); }); it('should return a list of selectors after calling the headings custom function', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: '#{headings(2,5)} { color: #08c; }', functions: { 'headings($from: 0, $to: 6)': function(from, to) { var i, f = from.getValue(), t = to.getValue(), list = new sass.types.List(t - f + 1); for (i = f; i <= t; i++) { list.setValue(i - f, new sass.types.String('h' + i)); } return list; } } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'h2, h3, h4, h5 {\n color: #08c; }'); done(); }); it('should let custom function invoke sass types constructors without the `new` keyword', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return sass.types.Number(42, 'em'); } } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 42em; }'); done(); }); it('should let us register custom functions without signatures', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(20, 22); }', functions: { foo: function(a, b) { return new sass.types.Number(a.getValue() + b.getValue(), 'em'); } } }); assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: 42em; }'); done(); }); it('should fail when returning anything other than a sass value from a custom function', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return {}; } } }); }, /A SassValue object was expected/); done(); }); it('should properly bubble up standard JS errors thrown by custom functions', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { throw new RangeError('This is a test error'); } } }); }, /This is a test error/); done(); }); it('should properly bubble up unknown errors thrown by custom functions', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { throw {}; } } }); }, /unexpected error/); done(); }); it('should properly bubble up errors from sass value getters/setters/constructors', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { return sass.types.Boolean('foo'); } } }); }, /Expected one boolean argument/); assert.throws(function() { sass.renderSync({ data: 'div { color: foo(); }', functions: { 'foo()': function() { var ret = new sass.types.Number(42); ret.setUnit(123); return ret; } } }); }, /Supplied value should be a string/); done(); }); it('should call custom functions with correct context', function(done) { function assertExpected(result) { assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n foo1: 1;\n foo2: 2; }'); } var options = { data: 'div { foo1: foo(); foo2: foo(); }', functions: { // foo() is stateful and will persist an incrementing counter 'foo()': function() { assert(this); this.fooCounter = (this.fooCounter || 0) + 1; return new sass.types.Number(this.fooCounter); } } }; assertExpected(sass.renderSync(options)); done(); }); }); describe('.renderSync({stats: {}})', function() { var start = Date.now(); var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('include-files/index.scss') }); it('should provide a start timestamp', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.start, 'number'); assert(result.stats.start >= start); done(); }); it('should provide an end timestamp', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.end, 'number'); assert(result.stats.end >= result.stats.start); done(); }); it('should provide a duration', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(typeof result.stats.duration, 'number'); assert.equal(result.stats.end - result.stats.start, result.stats.duration); done(); }); it('should contain the given entry file', function(done) { assert.equal(result.stats.entry, resolveFixture('include-files/index.scss')); done(); }); it('should contain an array of all included files', function(done) { var expected = [ fixture('include-files/bar.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/foo.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'), fixture('include-files/index.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/') ].sort(); var actual = result.stats.includedFiles.sort(); assert.equal(actual[0], expected[0]); assert.equal(actual[1], expected[1]); assert.equal(actual[2], expected[2]); done(); }); it('should contain array with the entry if there are no import statements', function(done) { var expected = fixture('simple/index.scss').replace(/\\/g, '/'); var result = sass.renderSync({ file: fixture('simple/index.scss') }); assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, [expected]); done(); }); it('should state `data` as entry file', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8') }); assert.equal(result.stats.entry, 'data'); done(); }); it('should contain an empty array as includedFiles', function(done) { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: read(fixture('simple/index.scss'), 'utf8') }); assert.deepEqual(result.stats.includedFiles, []); done(); }); }); describe('.info', function() { var package = require('../package.json'), info = sass.info; it('should return a correct version info', function(done) { assert(info.indexOf(package.version) > 0); assert(info.indexOf('(Wrapper)') > 0); assert(info.indexOf('[JavaScript]') > 0); assert(info.indexOf('[NA]') < 0); assert(info.indexOf('(Sass Compiler)') > 0); assert(info.indexOf('[C/C++]') > 0); done(); }); }); });