var types = require('./types') var rcodes = require('./rcodes') var opcodes = require('./opcodes') var ip = require('ip') var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer var QUERY_FLAG = 0 var RESPONSE_FLAG = 1 << 15 var FLUSH_MASK = 1 << 15 var NOT_FLUSH_MASK = ~FLUSH_MASK var QU_MASK = 1 << 15 var NOT_QU_MASK = ~QU_MASK var name = exports.txt = = {} name.encode = function (str, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(name.encodingLength(str)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset // strip leading and trailing . var n = str.replace(/^\.|\.$/gm, '') if (n.length) { var list = n.split('.') for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var len = buf.write(list[i], offset + 1) buf[offset] = len offset += len + 1 } } buf[offset++] = 0 name.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } name.encode.bytes = 0 name.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var list = [] var oldOffset = offset var len = buf[offset++] if (len === 0) { name.decode.bytes = 1 return '.' } if (len >= 0xc0) { var res = name.decode(buf, buf.readUInt16BE(offset - 1) - 0xc000) name.decode.bytes = 2 return res } while (len) { if (len >= 0xc0) { list.push(name.decode(buf, buf.readUInt16BE(offset - 1) - 0xc000)) offset++ break } list.push(buf.toString('utf-8', offset, offset + len)) offset += len len = buf[offset++] } name.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return list.join('.') } name.decode.bytes = 0 name.encodingLength = function (n) { return Buffer.byteLength(n) + 2 } var string = {} string.encode = function (s, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(string.encodingLength(s)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf.write(s, offset + 1) buf[offset] = len string.encode.bytes = len + 1 return buf } string.encode.bytes = 0 string.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf[offset] var s = buf.toString('utf-8', offset + 1, offset + 1 + len) string.decode.bytes = len + 1 return s } string.decode.bytes = 0 string.encodingLength = function (s) { return Buffer.byteLength(s) + 1 } var header = {} header.encode = function (h, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = header.encodingLength(h) if (!offset) offset = 0 var flags = (h.flags || 0) & 32767 var type = h.type === 'response' ? RESPONSE_FLAG : QUERY_FLAG buf.writeUInt16BE( || 0, offset) buf.writeUInt16BE(flags | type, offset + 2) buf.writeUInt16BE(h.questions.length, offset + 4) buf.writeUInt16BE(h.answers.length, offset + 6) buf.writeUInt16BE(h.authorities.length, offset + 8) buf.writeUInt16BE(h.additionals.length, offset + 10) return buf } header.encode.bytes = 12 header.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 if (buf.length < 12) throw new Error('Header must be 12 bytes') var flags = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 2) return { id: buf.readUInt16BE(offset), type: flags & RESPONSE_FLAG ? 'response' : 'query', flags: flags & 32767, flag_qr: ((flags >> 15) & 0x1) === 1, opcode: opcodes.toString((flags >> 11) & 0xf), flag_auth: ((flags >> 10) & 0x1) === 1, flag_trunc: ((flags >> 9) & 0x1) === 1, flag_rd: ((flags >> 8) & 0x1) === 1, flag_ra: ((flags >> 7) & 0x1) === 1, flag_z: ((flags >> 6) & 0x1) === 1, flag_ad: ((flags >> 5) & 0x1) === 1, flag_cd: ((flags >> 4) & 0x1) === 1, rcode: rcodes.toString(flags & 0xf), questions: new Array(buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 4)), answers: new Array(buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 6)), authorities: new Array(buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 8)), additionals: new Array(buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 10)) } } header.decode.bytes = 12 header.encodingLength = function () { return 12 } var runknown = exports.unknown = {} runknown.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(runknown.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 buf.writeUInt16BE(data.length, offset) data.copy(buf, offset + 2) runknown.encode.bytes = data.length + 2 return buf } runknown.encode.bytes = 0 runknown.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) var data = buf.slice(offset + 2, offset + 2 + len) runknown.decode.bytes = len + 2 return data } runknown.decode.bytes = 0 runknown.encodingLength = function (data) { return data.length + 2 } var rns = exports.ns = {} rns.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rns.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 name.encode(data, buf, offset + 2) buf.writeUInt16BE(name.encode.bytes, offset) rns.encode.bytes = name.encode.bytes + 2 return buf } rns.encode.bytes = 0 rns.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) var dd = name.decode(buf, offset + 2) rns.decode.bytes = len + 2 return dd } rns.decode.bytes = 0 rns.encodingLength = function (data) { return name.encodingLength(data) + 2 } var rsoa = exports.soa = {} rsoa.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rsoa.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset offset += 2 name.encode(data.mname, buf, offset) offset += name.encode.bytes name.encode(data.rname, buf, offset) offset += name.encode.bytes buf.writeUInt32BE(data.serial || 0, offset) offset += 4 buf.writeUInt32BE(data.refresh || 0, offset) offset += 4 buf.writeUInt32BE(data.retry || 0, offset) offset += 4 buf.writeUInt32BE(data.expire || 0, offset) offset += 4 buf.writeUInt32BE(data.minimum || 0, offset) offset += 4 buf.writeUInt16BE(offset - oldOffset - 2, oldOffset) rsoa.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } rsoa.encode.bytes = 0 rsoa.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset var data = {} offset += 2 data.mname = name.decode(buf, offset) offset += name.decode.bytes data.rname = name.decode(buf, offset) offset += name.decode.bytes data.serial = buf.readUInt32BE(offset) offset += 4 data.refresh = buf.readUInt32BE(offset) offset += 4 data.retry = buf.readUInt32BE(offset) offset += 4 data.expire = buf.readUInt32BE(offset) offset += 4 data.minimum = buf.readUInt32BE(offset) offset += 4 rsoa.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return data } rsoa.decode.bytes = 0 rsoa.encodingLength = function (data) { return 22 + name.encodingLength(data.mname) + name.encodingLength(data.rname) } var rtxt = exports.txt = exports.null = {} var rnull = rtxt rtxt.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rtxt.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 if (typeof data === 'string') data = Buffer.from(data) if (!data) data = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0) var oldOffset = offset offset += 2 var len = data.length data.copy(buf, offset, 0, len) offset += len buf.writeUInt16BE(offset - oldOffset - 2, oldOffset) rtxt.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } rtxt.encode.bytes = 0 rtxt.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset var len = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) offset += 2 var data = buf.slice(offset, offset + len) offset += len rtxt.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return data } rtxt.decode.bytes = 0 rtxt.encodingLength = function (data) { if (!data) return 2 return (Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data.length : Buffer.byteLength(data)) + 2 } var rhinfo = exports.hinfo = {} rhinfo.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rhinfo.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset offset += 2 string.encode(data.cpu, buf, offset) offset += string.encode.bytes string.encode(data.os, buf, offset) offset += string.encode.bytes buf.writeUInt16BE(offset - oldOffset - 2, oldOffset) rhinfo.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } rhinfo.encode.bytes = 0 rhinfo.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset var data = {} offset += 2 data.cpu = string.decode(buf, offset) offset += string.decode.bytes data.os = string.decode(buf, offset) offset += string.decode.bytes rhinfo.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return data } rhinfo.decode.bytes = 0 rhinfo.encodingLength = function (data) { return string.encodingLength(data.cpu) + string.encodingLength(data.os) + 2 } var rptr = exports.ptr = {} var rcname = exports.cname = rptr var rdname = exports.dname = rptr rptr.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rptr.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 name.encode(data, buf, offset + 2) buf.writeUInt16BE(name.encode.bytes, offset) rptr.encode.bytes = name.encode.bytes + 2 return buf } rptr.encode.bytes = 0 rptr.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var data = name.decode(buf, offset + 2) rptr.decode.bytes = name.decode.bytes + 2 return data } rptr.decode.bytes = 0 rptr.encodingLength = function (data) { return name.encodingLength(data) + 2 } var rsrv = exports.srv = {} rsrv.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rsrv.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 buf.writeUInt16BE(data.priority || 0, offset + 2) buf.writeUInt16BE(data.weight || 0, offset + 4) buf.writeUInt16BE(data.port || 0, offset + 6) name.encode(, buf, offset + 8) var len = name.encode.bytes + 6 buf.writeUInt16BE(len, offset) rsrv.encode.bytes = len + 2 return buf } rsrv.encode.bytes = 0 rsrv.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) var data = {} data.priority = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 2) data.weight = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 4) data.port = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 6) = name.decode(buf, offset + 8) rsrv.decode.bytes = len + 2 return data } rsrv.decode.bytes = 0 rsrv.encodingLength = function (data) { return 8 + name.encodingLength( } var rcaa = exports.caa = {} rcaa.ISSUER_CRITICAL = 1 << 7 rcaa.encode = function (data, buf, offset) { var len = rcaa.encodingLength(data) if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(rcaa.encodingLength(data)) if (!offset) offset = 0 if (data.issuerCritical) { data.flags = rcaa.ISSUER_CRITICAL } buf.writeUInt16BE(len - 2, offset) offset += 2 buf.writeUInt8(data.flags || 0, offset) offset += 1 string.encode(data.tag, buf, offset) offset += string.encode.bytes buf.write(data.value, offset) offset += Buffer.byteLength(data.value) rcaa.encode.bytes = len return buf } rcaa.encode.bytes = 0 rcaa.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var len = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) offset += 2 var oldOffset = offset var data = {} data.flags = buf.readUInt8(offset) offset += 1 data.tag = string.decode(buf, offset) offset += string.decode.bytes data.value = buf.toString('utf-8', offset, oldOffset + len) data.issuerCritical = !!(data.flags & rcaa.ISSUER_CRITICAL) rcaa.decode.bytes = len + 2 return data } rcaa.decode.bytes = 0 rcaa.encodingLength = function (data) { return string.encodingLength(data.tag) + string.encodingLength(data.value) + 2 } var ra = exports.a = {} ra.encode = function (host, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(ra.encodingLength(host)) if (!offset) offset = 0 buf.writeUInt16BE(4, offset) offset += 2 ip.toBuffer(host, buf, offset) ra.encode.bytes = 6 return buf } ra.encode.bytes = 0 ra.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 offset += 2 var host = ip.toString(buf, offset, 4) ra.decode.bytes = 6 return host } ra.decode.bytes = 0 ra.encodingLength = function () { return 6 } var raaaa = exports.aaaa = {} raaaa.encode = function (host, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(raaaa.encodingLength(host)) if (!offset) offset = 0 buf.writeUInt16BE(16, offset) offset += 2 ip.toBuffer(host, buf, offset) raaaa.encode.bytes = 18 return buf } raaaa.encode.bytes = 0 raaaa.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 offset += 2 var host = ip.toString(buf, offset, 16) raaaa.decode.bytes = 18 return host } raaaa.decode.bytes = 0 raaaa.encodingLength = function () { return 18 } var renc = exports.record = function (type) { switch (type.toUpperCase()) { case 'A': return ra case 'PTR': return rptr case 'CNAME': return rcname case 'DNAME': return rdname case 'TXT': return rtxt case 'NULL': return rnull case 'AAAA': return raaaa case 'SRV': return rsrv case 'HINFO': return rhinfo case 'CAA': return rcaa case 'NS': return rns case 'SOA': return rsoa } return runknown } var answer = exports.answer = {} answer.encode = function (a, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(answer.encodingLength(a)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset name.encode(, buf, offset) offset += name.encode.bytes buf.writeUInt16BE(types.toType(a.type), offset) var klass = a.class === undefined ? 1 : a.class if (a.flush) klass |= FLUSH_MASK // the 1st bit of the class is the flush bit buf.writeUInt16BE(klass, offset + 2) buf.writeUInt32BE(a.ttl || 0, offset + 4) var enc = renc(a.type) enc.encode(, buf, offset + 8) offset += 8 + enc.encode.bytes answer.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } answer.encode.bytes = 0 answer.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var a = {} var oldOffset = offset = name.decode(buf, offset) offset += name.decode.bytes a.type = types.toString(buf.readUInt16BE(offset)) a.class = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 2) a.ttl = buf.readUInt32BE(offset + 4) a.flush = !!(a.class & FLUSH_MASK) if (a.flush) a.class &= NOT_FLUSH_MASK var enc = renc(a.type) = enc.decode(buf, offset + 8) offset += 8 + enc.decode.bytes answer.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return a } answer.decode.bytes = 0 answer.encodingLength = function (a) { return name.encodingLength( + 8 + renc(a.type).encodingLength( } var question = exports.question = {} question.encode = function (q, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(question.encodingLength(q)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset name.encode(, buf, offset) offset += name.encode.bytes buf.writeUInt16BE(types.toType(q.type), offset) offset += 2 buf.writeUInt16BE(q.class === undefined ? 1 : q.class, offset) offset += 2 question.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return q } question.encode.bytes = 0 question.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset var q = {} = name.decode(buf, offset) offset += name.decode.bytes q.type = types.toString(buf.readUInt16BE(offset)) offset += 2 q.class = buf.readUInt16BE(offset) offset += 2 var qu = !!(q.class & QU_MASK) if (qu) q.class &= NOT_QU_MASK question.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return q } question.decode.bytes = 0 question.encodingLength = function (q) { return name.encodingLength( + 4 } exports.AUTHORITATIVE_ANSWER = 1 << 10 exports.TRUNCATED_RESPONSE = 1 << 9 exports.RECURSION_DESIRED = 1 << 8 exports.RECURSION_AVAILABLE = 1 << 7 exports.AUTHENTIC_DATA = 1 << 5 exports.CHECKING_DISABLED = 1 << 4 exports.encode = function (result, buf, offset) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(exports.encodingLength(result)) if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset if (!result.questions) result.questions = [] if (!result.answers) result.answers = [] if (!result.authorities) result.authorities = [] if (!result.additionals) result.additionals = [] header.encode(result, buf, offset) offset += header.encode.bytes offset = encodeList(result.questions, question, buf, offset) offset = encodeList(result.answers, answer, buf, offset) offset = encodeList(result.authorities, answer, buf, offset) offset = encodeList(result.additionals, answer, buf, offset) exports.encode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return buf } exports.encode.bytes = 0 exports.decode = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0 var oldOffset = offset var result = header.decode(buf, offset) offset += header.decode.bytes offset = decodeList(result.questions, question, buf, offset) offset = decodeList(result.answers, answer, buf, offset) offset = decodeList(result.authorities, answer, buf, offset) offset = decodeList(result.additionals, answer, buf, offset) exports.decode.bytes = offset - oldOffset return result } exports.decode.bytes = 0 exports.encodingLength = function (result) { return header.encodingLength(result) + encodingLengthList(result.questions || [], question) + encodingLengthList(result.answers || [], answer) + encodingLengthList(result.authorities || [], answer) + encodingLengthList(result.additionals || [], answer) } function encodingLengthList (list, enc) { var len = 0 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) len += enc.encodingLength(list[i]) return len } function encodeList (list, enc, buf, offset) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { enc.encode(list[i], buf, offset) offset += enc.encode.bytes } return offset } function decodeList (list, enc, buf, offset) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i] = enc.decode(buf, offset) offset += enc.decode.bytes } return offset }