'use strict'; var IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$-]*$/i; var customRuleCode = require('./dotjs/custom'); var metaSchema = require('./refs/json-schema-draft-07.json'); module.exports = { add: addKeyword, get: getKeyword, remove: removeKeyword, validate: validateKeyword }; var definitionSchema = { definitions: { simpleTypes: metaSchema.definitions.simpleTypes }, type: 'object', dependencies: { schema: ['validate'], $data: ['validate'], statements: ['inline'], valid: {not: {required: ['macro']}} }, properties: { type: metaSchema.properties.type, schema: {type: 'boolean'}, statements: {type: 'boolean'}, dependencies: { type: 'array', items: {type: 'string'} }, metaSchema: {type: 'object'}, modifying: {type: 'boolean'}, valid: {type: 'boolean'}, $data: {type: 'boolean'}, async: {type: 'boolean'}, errors: { anyOf: [ {type: 'boolean'}, {const: 'full'} ] } } }; /** * Define custom keyword * @this Ajv * @param {String} keyword custom keyword, should be unique (including different from all standard, custom and macro keywords). * @param {Object} definition keyword definition object with properties `type` (type(s) which the keyword applies to), `validate` or `compile`. * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining */ function addKeyword(keyword, definition) { /* jshint validthis: true */ /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ var RULES = this.RULES; if (RULES.keywords[keyword]) throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is already defined'); if (!IDENTIFIER.test(keyword)) throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is not a valid identifier'); if (definition) { this.validateKeyword(definition, true); var dataType = definition.type; if (Array.isArray(dataType)) { for (var i=0; i