"use strict"; const util = require("util"); const stringifyValidator = require("../utils/stringifyValidator"); const toFunctionName = require("../utils/toFunctionName"); const types = require("../../"); const readme = [ `# @babel/types > This module contains methods for building ASTs manually and for checking the types of AST nodes. ## Install \`\`\`sh npm install --save-dev @babel/types \`\`\` ## API`, ]; const customTypes = { ClassMethod: { key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`", }, Identifier: { name: "`string`", }, MemberExpression: { property: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier`", }, ObjectMethod: { key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`", }, ObjectProperty: { key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`", }, }; Object.keys(types.BUILDER_KEYS) .sort() .forEach(function(key) { readme.push("### " + key[0].toLowerCase() + key.substr(1)); readme.push("```javascript"); readme.push( "t." + toFunctionName(key) + "(" + types.BUILDER_KEYS[key].join(", ") + ")" ); readme.push("```"); readme.push(""); readme.push( "See also `t.is" + key + "(node, opts)` and `t.assert" + key + "(node, opts)`." ); readme.push(""); if (types.ALIAS_KEYS[key] && types.ALIAS_KEYS[key].length) { readme.push( "Aliases: " + types.ALIAS_KEYS[key] .map(function(key) { return "`" + key + "`"; }) .join(", ") ); readme.push(""); } Object.keys(types.NODE_FIELDS[key]) .sort(function(fieldA, fieldB) { const indexA = types.BUILDER_KEYS[key].indexOf(fieldA); const indexB = types.BUILDER_KEYS[key].indexOf(fieldB); if (indexA === indexB) return fieldA < fieldB ? -1 : 1; if (indexA === -1) return 1; if (indexB === -1) return -1; return indexA - indexB; }) .forEach(function(field) { const defaultValue = types.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].default; const fieldDescription = ["`" + field + "`"]; const validator = types.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].validate; if (customTypes[key] && customTypes[key][field]) { fieldDescription.push(`: ${customTypes[key][field]}`); } else if (validator) { try { fieldDescription.push( ": `" + stringifyValidator(validator, "") + "`" ); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code === "UNEXPECTED_VALIDATOR_TYPE") { console.log( "Unrecognised validator type for " + key + "." + field ); console.dir(ex.validator, { depth: 10, colors: true }); } } } if (defaultValue !== null || types.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].optional) { fieldDescription.push( " (default: `" + util.inspect(defaultValue) + "`)" ); } else { fieldDescription.push(" (required)"); } readme.push(" - " + fieldDescription.join("")); }); readme.push(""); readme.push("---"); readme.push(""); }); process.stdout.write(readme.join("\n"));