import OurVue from 'vue'; import { consoleError } from './util/console'; export function install(Vue, args = {}) { if (install.installed) return; install.installed = true; if (OurVue !== Vue) { consoleError('Multiple instances of Vue detected\nSee\n\nIf you\'re seeing "$attrs is readonly", it\'s caused by this'); } const components = args.components || {}; const directives = args.directives || {}; for (const name in directives) { const directive = directives[name]; Vue.directive(name, directive); } (function registerComponents(components) { if (components) { for (const key in components) { const component = components[key]; if (component && !registerComponents(component.$_vuetify_subcomponents)) { Vue.component(key, component); } } return true; } return false; })(components); // Used to avoid multiple mixins being setup // when in dev mode and hot module reload // if (Vue.$_vuetify_installed) return; Vue.$_vuetify_installed = true; Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate() { const options = this.$options; if (options.vuetify) { options.vuetify.init(this, options.ssrContext); this.$vuetify = Vue.observable(options.vuetify.framework); } else { this.$vuetify = options.parent && options.parent.$vuetify || this; } } }); } //#