/** * @fileoverview enforce ordering of attributes * @author Erin Depew */ 'use strict' const utils = require('../utils') // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getAttributeType (name, isDirective) { if (isDirective) { if (name === 'for') { return 'LIST_RENDERING' } else if (name === 'if' || name === 'else-if' || name === 'else' || name === 'show' || name === 'cloak') { return 'CONDITIONALS' } else if (name === 'pre' || name === 'once') { return 'RENDER_MODIFIERS' } else if (name === 'model') { return 'TWO_WAY_BINDING' } else if (name === 'on') { return 'EVENTS' } else if (name === 'html' || name === 'text') { return 'CONTENT' } else { return 'OTHER_DIRECTIVES' } } else { if (name === 'is') { return 'DEFINITION' } else if (name === 'id') { return 'GLOBAL' } else if (name === 'ref' || name === 'key' || name === 'slot' || name === 'slot-scope') { return 'UNIQUE' } else { return 'OTHER_ATTR' } } } function getPosition (attribute, attributePosition) { const attributeType = attribute.directive && attribute.key.name === 'bind' ? getAttributeType(attribute.key.argument, false) : getAttributeType(attribute.key.name, attribute.directive) return attributePosition.hasOwnProperty(attributeType) ? attributePosition[attributeType] : -1 } function create (context) { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode() let attributeOrder = ['DEFINITION', 'LIST_RENDERING', 'CONDITIONALS', 'RENDER_MODIFIERS', 'GLOBAL', 'UNIQUE', 'TWO_WAY_BINDING', 'OTHER_DIRECTIVES', 'OTHER_ATTR', 'EVENTS', 'CONTENT'] if (context.options[0] && context.options[0].order) { attributeOrder = context.options[0].order } const attributePosition = {} attributeOrder.forEach((item, i) => { if (item instanceof Array) { item.forEach((attr) => { attributePosition[attr] = i }) } else attributePosition[item] = i }) let currentPosition let previousNode function reportIssue (node, previousNode) { const currentNode = sourceCode.getText(node.key) const prevNode = sourceCode.getText(previousNode.key) context.report({ node: node.key, loc: node.loc, message: `Attribute "${currentNode}" should go before "${prevNode}".`, data: { currentNode }, fix (fixer) { const attributes = node.parent.attributes const shiftAttrs = attributes.slice(attributes.indexOf(previousNode), attributes.indexOf(node) + 1) return shiftAttrs.map((attr, i) => { const text = attr === previousNode ? sourceCode.getText(node) : sourceCode.getText(shiftAttrs[i - 1]) return fixer.replaceText(attr, text) }) } }) } return utils.defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, { 'VStartTag' () { currentPosition = -1 previousNode = null }, 'VAttribute' (node) { if ((currentPosition === -1) || (currentPosition <= getPosition(node, attributePosition))) { currentPosition = getPosition(node, attributePosition) previousNode = node } else { reportIssue(node, previousNode) } } }) } module.exports = { meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'enforce order of attributes', category: 'recommended', url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/attributes-order.html' }, fixable: 'code', schema: { type: 'array', properties: { order: { items: { type: 'string' }, maxItems: 10, minItems: 10 } } } }, create }