var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var Evaluator = require('stylus/lib/visitor/evaluator'); var loaderUtils = require('loader-utils'); var nodes = require('stylus/lib/nodes'); var utils = require('stylus/lib/utils'); var when = require('when'); var whenNodefn = require('when/node/function'); var listImports = require('./listimports'); module.exports = PathCache; var readFile = whenNodefn.lift(fs.readFile); // A cache of import paths of a stylus file resolved to their location on disk // before the stylus file is rendered. With a special evaluator this lets us // webpack's resolver. function PathCache(contexts, sources, imports) { this.contexts = contexts; this.sources = sources; this.imports = imports; // Non relative paths are simpler and looked up in this as a fallback // to this.context. this.simpleContext = {}; for (var dirname in this.contexts) { for (var path in this.contexts[dirname]) { this.simpleContext[path] = this.contexts[dirname][path]; } } } // Return a promise for a PathCache. PathCache.create = function(contexts, sources, imports) { return when(new PathCache(contexts, sources, imports)); }; PathCache.createFromFile = resolveFileDeep; // Create a list of ways to resolve paths. PathCache.resolvers = resolvers; PathCache.resolvers.reduce = reduceResolvers; // Lookup the path in this cache. PathCache.prototype.find = function(path, dirname) { if (this.contexts[dirname] && this.contexts[dirname][path]) { return this.contexts[dirname][path].path; } else if (this.simpleContext[path]) { return this.simpleContext[path].path; } else if (/.styl$/.test(path)) { // A user can specify @import 'something.styl' but if they specify // @import 'something' stylus adds .styl, we drop that here to see if we // looked for it without .styl. return this.find(path.replace(/.styl$/, ''), dirname); } else { return undefined; } }; // Return if the path in this cache is an index file. PathCache.prototype.isIndex = function(path, dirname) { if (this.contexts[dirname] && this.contexts[dirname][path]) { return this.contexts[dirname][path].index; } else { return undefined; } }; // Return an array of all imports the original file depends on. PathCache.prototype.allDeps = function() { var deps = []; for (var dirname in this.contexts) { for (var path in this.contexts[dirname]) { if (this.contexts[dirname][path]) { deps = deps.concat(this.contexts[dirname][path].path); } } } return deps; }; // Create an array of ways to resolve a path. // // The resolved paths may be a path or an object specifying path and index // members. The index member is used later by stylus, we store it at this point. function resolvers(options, webpackResolver) { var evaluator = new Evaluator(nodes.null, options); var whenWebpackResolver = whenNodefn.lift(webpackResolver); // Stylus's normal resolver for single files. var stylusFile = function(context, path) { // Stylus adds .styl to paths for normal "paths" lookup if it isn't there. if (!/.styl$/.test(path)) { path += '.styl'; } var paths = options.paths.concat(context); var found = utils.find(path, paths, options.filename) if (found) { return normalizePaths(found); } }; // Stylus's normal resolver for node_modules packages. Cannot locate paths // inside a package. var stylusIndex = function(context, path) { // Stylus calls the argument name. If it exists it should match the name // of a module in node_modules. if (!path) { return null; } var paths = options.paths.concat(context); var found = utils.lookupIndex(path, paths, options.filename); if (found) { return {path: normalizePaths(found), index: true}; } }; // Fallback to resolving with webpack's configured resovler. var webpackResolve = function(context, path) { // Follow the webpack stylesheet idiom of '~path' meaning a path in a // modules folder and a unprefixed 'path' meaning a relative path like // './path'. path = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(path, options.root); // First try with a '.styl' extension. return whenWebpackResolver(context, path + '.styl') // If the user adds ".styl" to resolve.extensions, webpack can find // index files like stylus but it uses all of webpack's configuration, // by default for example the module could be web_modules. .catch(function() { return whenWebpackResolver(context, path); }) .catch(function() { return null; }) .then(function(result) { return Array.isArray(result) && result[1] && result[1].path || result }); }; if (options.preferPathResolver === 'webpack') { return [ webpackResolve, stylusFile, stylusIndex ]; } else { return [ stylusFile, stylusIndex, webpackResolve ]; } } function reduceResolvers(resolvers, context, path) { return when .reduce(resolvers, function(result, resolver) { return result ? result : resolver(context, path); }, undefined); } // Run resolvers on one path and return an object with the found path under a // key of the original path. // // Example: // resolving the path // 'a/file' // returns an object // {'a/file': {path: ['node_modules/a/file'], index: true}} function resolveOne(resolvers, context, path) { return reduceResolvers(resolvers, context, path) .then(function(result) { result = typeof result === 'string' ? [result] : result; result = Array.isArray(result) ? {path: result, index: false} : result; var map = {}; map[path] = result; return map; }); } // Run the resolvers on an array of paths and return an object like resolveOne. function resolveMany(resolvers, context, paths) { return when .map(paths, resolveOne.bind(null, resolvers, context)) .then(function(maps) { return maps.reduce(function(map, resolvedPaths) { Object.keys(resolvedPaths).forEach(function(path) { map[path] = resolvedPaths[path]; }); return map; }, {}); }); } // Load a file at fullPath, resolve all of it's imports and report for those. function resolveFileDeep(helpers, parentCache, source, fullPath) { var resolvers = helpers.resolvers; var readFile = helpers.readFile; var contexts = parentCache.contexts; var sources = parentCache.sources; contexts = contexts || {}; var nestResolve = resolveFileDeep.bind(null, helpers, parentCache, null); var context = path.dirname(fullPath); readFile = whenNodefn.lift(readFile); return when .resolve(source || sources[fullPath] || readFile(fullPath)) // Cast the buffer from the cached input file system to a string. .then(String) // Store the source so that the evaluator doesn't need to touch the // file system. .then(function(_source) { sources[fullPath] = _source; return _source; }) // Make sure the stylus functions/index.styl source is stored. .then(partial(ensureFunctionsSource, sources)) // List imports and use its cache. The source file is translated into a // list of imports. Where the source file came from isn't important for the // list. The where is added by resolveMany with the context and resolvers. .then(partialRight(listImports, { cache: parentCache.imports })) .then(resolveMany.bind(null, resolvers, context)) .then(function(newPaths) { // Contexts are the full path since multiple could be in the same folder // but different deps. contexts[context] = merge(contexts[context] || {}, newPaths); return, function(key) { var found = newPaths[key] && newPaths[key].path; if (found) { return, nestResolve); } }); }) .then(function() { return PathCache.create(contexts, sources, parentCache.imports); }); } // Resolve functions in a promise wrapper to catch any errors from resolving. var functionsPath = new when.Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(require.resolve('stylus/lib/functions/index.styl')); }) .catch(function() { return ''; }); var functionsSource = functionsPath .then(readFile) .catch(function(error) { // Ignore error if functions/index.styl doesn't exist. if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw error; } return ''; }) .then(String); function ensureFunctionsSource(sources, source) { if (!sources[functionsPath]) { return functionsSource .then(function(functionsSource) { if (functionsSource) { sources[functionsPath] = functionsSource; } }) // Pass through the source given to this function. .yield(source); } // Pass through the source given to this function. return source; } var slice =; function merge(a, b) { var key; for (key in b) { a[key] = b[key]; } return a; } function partial(fn) { var args = slice(arguments, 1); return function() { return fn.apply(this, args.concat(slice(arguments))); }; } function partialRight(fn) { var args = slice(arguments, 1); return function() { return fn.apply(this, slice(arguments).concat(args)); }; } function normalizePaths(paths) { for(var i in paths) { paths[i] = path.normalize(paths[i]); } return paths; }