'use strict'; var utils = require('./../utils'); var transformData = require('./transformData'); var isCancel = require('../cancel/isCancel'); var defaults = require('../defaults'); var isAbsoluteURL = require('./../helpers/isAbsoluteURL'); var combineURLs = require('./../helpers/combineURLs'); /** * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested. */ function throwIfCancellationRequested(config) { if (config.cancelToken) { config.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(); } } /** * Dispatch a request to the server using the configured adapter. * * @param {object} config The config that is to be used for the request * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled */ module.exports = function dispatchRequest(config) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Support baseURL config if (config.baseURL && !isAbsoluteURL(config.url)) { config.url = combineURLs(config.baseURL, config.url); } // Ensure headers exist config.headers = config.headers || {}; // Transform request data config.data = transformData( config.data, config.headers, config.transformRequest ); // Flatten headers config.headers = utils.merge( config.headers.common || {}, config.headers[config.method] || {}, config.headers || {} ); utils.forEach( ['delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common'], function cleanHeaderConfig(method) { delete config.headers[method]; } ); var adapter = config.adapter || defaults.adapter; return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Transform response data response.data = transformData( response.data, response.headers, config.transformResponse ); return response; }, function onAdapterRejection(reason) { if (!isCancel(reason)) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); // Transform response data if (reason && reason.response) { reason.response.data = transformData( reason.response.data, reason.response.headers, config.transformResponse ); } } return Promise.reject(reason); }); };