import Vue from 'vue'; import VProgressLinear from '../../components/VProgressLinear'; /** * Loadable * * @mixin * * Used to add linear progress bar to components * Can use a default bar with a specific color * or designate a custom progress linear bar */ /* @vue/component */ export default Vue.extend().extend({ name: 'loadable', props: { loading: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, loaderHeight: { type: [Number, String], default: 2 } }, methods: { genProgress() { if (this.loading === false) return null; return this.$slots.progress || this.$createElement(VProgressLinear, { props: { absolute: true, color: this.loading === true || this.loading === '' ? this.color || 'primary' : this.loading, height: this.loaderHeight, indeterminate: true } }); } } }); //#