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2019-08-11 18:48:02 +00:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _transitions = require("../transitions");
var _registrable = require("../../mixins/registrable");
var _helpers = require("../../util/helpers");
var _mixins = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../util/mixins"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// Components
// Mixins
// Helpers
// Utilities
var baseMixins = (0, _mixins.default)((0, _registrable.inject)('stepper', 'v-stepper-content', 'v-stepper'));
/* @vue/component */
var _default = baseMixins.extend().extend({
name: 'v-stepper-content',
inject: {
isVerticalProvided: {
from: 'isVertical'
props: {
step: {
type: [Number, String],
required: true
data: function data() {
return {
height: 0,
// Must be null to allow
// previous comparison
isActive: null,
isReverse: false,
isVertical: this.isVerticalProvided
computed: {
computedTransition: function computedTransition() {
return this.isReverse ? _transitions.VTabReverseTransition : _transitions.VTabTransition;
styles: function styles() {
if (!this.isVertical) return {};
return {
height: (0, _helpers.convertToUnit)(this.height)
watch: {
isActive: function isActive(current, previous) {
// If active and the previous state
// was null, is just booting up
if (current && previous == null) {
this.height = 'auto';
if (!this.isVertical) return;
if (this.isActive) this.enter();else this.leave();
mounted: function mounted() {
this.$refs.wrapper.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition, false);
this.stepper && this.stepper.register(this);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
this.$refs.wrapper.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition, false);
this.stepper && this.stepper.unregister(this);
methods: {
onTransition: function onTransition(e) {
if (!this.isActive || e.propertyName !== 'height') return;
this.height = 'auto';
enter: function enter() {
var _this = this;
var scrollHeight = 0; // Render bug with height
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
scrollHeight = _this.$refs.wrapper.scrollHeight;
this.height = 0; // Give the collapsing element time to collapse
setTimeout(function () {
return _this.isActive && (_this.height = scrollHeight || 'auto');
}, 450);
leave: function leave() {
var _this2 = this;
this.height = this.$refs.wrapper.clientHeight;
setTimeout(function () {
return _this2.height = 0;
}, 10);
toggle: function toggle(step, reverse) {
this.isActive = step.toString() === this.step.toString();
this.isReverse = reverse;
render: function render(h) {
var contentData = {
staticClass: 'v-stepper__content'
var wrapperData = {
staticClass: 'v-stepper__wrapper',
style: this.styles,
ref: 'wrapper'
if (!this.isVertical) {
contentData.directives = [{
name: 'show',
value: this.isActive
var wrapper = h('div', wrapperData, [this.$slots.default]);
var content = h('div', contentData, [wrapper]);
return h(this.computedTransition, {
on: this.$listeners
}, [content]);
exports.default = _default;