641 lines
20 KiB
641 lines
20 KiB
* @fileoverview Helper to locate and load configuration files.
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
"use strict";
// Requirements
const fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
ConfigOps = require("./config-ops"),
validator = require("./config-validator"),
ModuleResolver = require("../util/module-resolver"),
naming = require("../util/naming"),
pathIsInside = require("path-is-inside"),
stripComments = require("strip-json-comments"),
stringify = require("json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify"),
importFresh = require("import-fresh");
const debug = require("debug")("eslint:config-file");
// Helpers
* Determines sort order for object keys for json-stable-stringify
* see: https://github.com/samn/json-stable-stringify#cmp
* @param {Object} a The first comparison object ({key: akey, value: avalue})
* @param {Object} b The second comparison object ({key: bkey, value: bvalue})
* @returns {number} 1 or -1, used in stringify cmp method
function sortByKey(a, b) {
return a.key > b.key ? 1 : -1;
// Private
const CONFIG_FILES = [
const resolver = new ModuleResolver();
* Convenience wrapper for synchronously reading file contents.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to read.
* @returns {string} The file contents, with the BOM removed.
* @private
function readFile(filePath) {
return fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8").replace(/^\ufeff/u, "");
* Determines if a given string represents a filepath or not using the same
* conventions as require(), meaning that the first character must be nonalphanumeric
* and not the @ sign which is used for scoped packages to be considered a file path.
* @param {string} filePath The string to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if it's a filepath, false if not.
* @private
function isFilePath(filePath) {
return path.isAbsolute(filePath) || !/\w|@/u.test(filePath.charAt(0));
* Loads a YAML configuration from a file.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to load.
* @returns {Object} The configuration object from the file.
* @throws {Error} If the file cannot be read.
* @private
function loadYAMLConfigFile(filePath) {
debug(`Loading YAML config file: ${filePath}`);
// lazy load YAML to improve performance when not used
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
try {
// empty YAML file can be null, so always use
return yaml.safeLoad(readFile(filePath)) || {};
} catch (e) {
debug(`Error reading YAML file: ${filePath}`);
e.message = `Cannot read config file: ${filePath}\nError: ${e.message}`;
throw e;
* Loads a JSON configuration from a file.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to load.
* @returns {Object} The configuration object from the file.
* @throws {Error} If the file cannot be read.
* @private
function loadJSONConfigFile(filePath) {
debug(`Loading JSON config file: ${filePath}`);
try {
return JSON.parse(stripComments(readFile(filePath)));
} catch (e) {
debug(`Error reading JSON file: ${filePath}`);
e.message = `Cannot read config file: ${filePath}\nError: ${e.message}`;
e.messageTemplate = "failed-to-read-json";
e.messageData = {
path: filePath,
message: e.message
throw e;
* Loads a legacy (.eslintrc) configuration from a file.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to load.
* @returns {Object} The configuration object from the file.
* @throws {Error} If the file cannot be read.
* @private
function loadLegacyConfigFile(filePath) {
debug(`Loading config file: ${filePath}`);
// lazy load YAML to improve performance when not used
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
try {
return yaml.safeLoad(stripComments(readFile(filePath))) || /* istanbul ignore next */ {};
} catch (e) {
debug(`Error reading YAML file: ${filePath}`);
e.message = `Cannot read config file: ${filePath}\nError: ${e.message}`;
throw e;
* Loads a JavaScript configuration from a file.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to load.
* @returns {Object} The configuration object from the file.
* @throws {Error} If the file cannot be read.
* @private
function loadJSConfigFile(filePath) {
debug(`Loading JS config file: ${filePath}`);
try {
return importFresh(filePath);
} catch (e) {
debug(`Error reading JavaScript file: ${filePath}`);
e.message = `Cannot read config file: ${filePath}\nError: ${e.message}`;
throw e;
* Loads a configuration from a package.json file.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to load.
* @returns {Object} The configuration object from the file.
* @throws {Error} If the file cannot be read.
* @private
function loadPackageJSONConfigFile(filePath) {
debug(`Loading package.json config file: ${filePath}`);
try {
return loadJSONConfigFile(filePath).eslintConfig || null;
} catch (e) {
debug(`Error reading package.json file: ${filePath}`);
e.message = `Cannot read config file: ${filePath}\nError: ${e.message}`;
throw e;
* Creates an error to notify about a missing config to extend from.
* @param {string} configName The name of the missing config.
* @returns {Error} The error object to throw
* @private
function configMissingError(configName) {
const error = new Error(`Failed to load config "${configName}" to extend from.`);
error.messageTemplate = "extend-config-missing";
error.messageData = {
return error;
* Loads a configuration file regardless of the source. Inspects the file path
* to determine the correctly way to load the config file.
* @param {Object} file The path to the configuration.
* @returns {Object} The configuration information.
* @private
function loadConfigFile(file) {
const filePath = file.filePath;
let config;
switch (path.extname(filePath)) {
case ".js":
config = loadJSConfigFile(filePath);
if (file.configName) {
config = config.configs[file.configName];
if (!config) {
throw configMissingError(file.configFullName);
case ".json":
if (path.basename(filePath) === "package.json") {
config = loadPackageJSONConfigFile(filePath);
if (config === null) {
return null;
} else {
config = loadJSONConfigFile(filePath);
case ".yaml":
case ".yml":
config = loadYAMLConfigFile(filePath);
config = loadLegacyConfigFile(filePath);
return ConfigOps.merge(ConfigOps.createEmptyConfig(), config);
* Writes a configuration file in JSON format.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object to write.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to write to.
* @returns {void}
* @private
function writeJSONConfigFile(config, filePath) {
debug(`Writing JSON config file: ${filePath}`);
const content = stringify(config, { cmp: sortByKey, space: 4 });
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, "utf8");
* Writes a configuration file in YAML format.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object to write.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to write to.
* @returns {void}
* @private
function writeYAMLConfigFile(config, filePath) {
debug(`Writing YAML config file: ${filePath}`);
// lazy load YAML to improve performance when not used
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
const content = yaml.safeDump(config, { sortKeys: true });
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, "utf8");
* Writes a configuration file in JavaScript format.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object to write.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to write to.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs linting the config file contents.
* @returns {void}
* @private
function writeJSConfigFile(config, filePath) {
debug(`Writing JS config file: ${filePath}`);
let contentToWrite;
const stringifiedContent = `module.exports = ${stringify(config, { cmp: sortByKey, space: 4 })};`;
try {
const CLIEngine = require("../cli-engine");
const linter = new CLIEngine({
baseConfig: config,
fix: true,
useEslintrc: false
const report = linter.executeOnText(stringifiedContent);
contentToWrite = report.results[0].output || stringifiedContent;
} catch (e) {
debug("Error linting JavaScript config file, writing unlinted version");
const errorMessage = e.message;
contentToWrite = stringifiedContent;
e.message = "An error occurred while generating your JavaScript config file. ";
e.message += "A config file was still generated, but the config file itself may not follow your linting rules.";
e.message += `\nError: ${errorMessage}`;
throw e;
} finally {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, contentToWrite, "utf8");
* Writes a configuration file.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object to write.
* @param {string} filePath The filename to write to.
* @returns {void}
* @throws {Error} When an unknown file type is specified.
* @private
function write(config, filePath) {
switch (path.extname(filePath)) {
case ".js":
writeJSConfigFile(config, filePath);
case ".json":
writeJSONConfigFile(config, filePath);
case ".yaml":
case ".yml":
writeYAMLConfigFile(config, filePath);
throw new Error("Can't write to unknown file type.");
* Determines the base directory for node packages referenced in a config file.
* This does not include node_modules in the path so it can be used for all
* references relative to a config file.
* @param {string} configFilePath The config file referencing the file.
* @returns {string} The base directory for the file path.
* @private
function getBaseDir(configFilePath) {
// calculates the path of the project including ESLint as dependency
const projectPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../");
if (configFilePath && pathIsInside(configFilePath, projectPath)) {
// be careful of https://github.com/substack/node-resolve/issues/78
return path.join(path.resolve(configFilePath));
* default to ESLint project path since it's unlikely that plugins will be
* in this directory
return path.join(projectPath);
* Determines the lookup path, including node_modules, for package
* references relative to a config file.
* @param {string} configFilePath The config file referencing the file.
* @returns {string} The lookup path for the file path.
* @private
function getLookupPath(configFilePath) {
const basedir = getBaseDir(configFilePath);
return path.join(basedir, "node_modules");
* Resolves a eslint core config path
* @param {string} name The eslint config name.
* @returns {string} The resolved path of the config.
* @private
function getEslintCoreConfigPath(name) {
if (name === "eslint:recommended") {
* Add an explicit substitution for eslint:recommended to
* conf/eslint-recommended.js.
return path.resolve(__dirname, "../../conf/eslint-recommended.js");
if (name === "eslint:all") {
* Add an explicit substitution for eslint:all to conf/eslint-all.js
return path.resolve(__dirname, "../../conf/eslint-all.js");
throw configMissingError(name);
* Applies values from the "extends" field in a configuration file.
* @param {Object} config The configuration information.
* @param {Config} configContext Plugin context for the config instance
* @param {string} filePath The file path from which the configuration information
* was loaded.
* @param {string} [relativeTo] The path to resolve relative to.
* @returns {Object} A new configuration object with all of the "extends" fields
* loaded and merged.
* @private
function applyExtends(config, configContext, filePath, relativeTo) {
let configExtends = config.extends;
// normalize into an array for easier handling
if (!Array.isArray(config.extends)) {
configExtends = [config.extends];
// Make the last element in an array take the highest precedence
return configExtends.reduceRight((previousValue, parentPath) => {
try {
let extensionPath;
if (parentPath.startsWith("eslint:")) {
extensionPath = getEslintCoreConfigPath(parentPath);
} else if (isFilePath(parentPath)) {
* If the `extends` path is relative, use the directory of the current configuration
* file as the reference point. Otherwise, use as-is.
extensionPath = (path.isAbsolute(parentPath)
? parentPath
: path.join(relativeTo || path.dirname(filePath), parentPath)
} else {
extensionPath = parentPath;
debug(`Loading ${extensionPath}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return ConfigOps.merge(load(extensionPath, configContext, relativeTo), previousValue);
} catch (e) {
* If the file referenced by `extends` failed to load, add the path
* to the configuration file that referenced it to the error
* message so the user is able to see where it was referenced from,
* then re-throw.
e.message += `\nReferenced from: ${filePath}`;
throw e;
}, config);
* Resolves a configuration file path into the fully-formed path, whether filename
* or package name.
* @param {string} filePath The filepath to resolve.
* @param {string} [relativeTo] The path to resolve relative to.
* @returns {Object} An object containing 3 properties:
* - 'filePath' (required) the resolved path that can be used directly to load the configuration.
* - 'configName' the name of the configuration inside the plugin.
* - 'configFullName' (required) the name of the configuration as used in the eslint config(e.g. 'plugin:node/recommended'),
* or the absolute path to a config file. This should uniquely identify a config.
* @private
function resolve(filePath, relativeTo) {
if (isFilePath(filePath)) {
const fullPath = path.resolve(relativeTo || "", filePath);
return { filePath: fullPath, configFullName: fullPath };
let normalizedPackageName;
if (filePath.startsWith("plugin:")) {
const configFullName = filePath;
const pluginName = filePath.slice(7, filePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
const configName = filePath.slice(filePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
normalizedPackageName = naming.normalizePackageName(pluginName, "eslint-plugin");
debug(`Attempting to resolve ${normalizedPackageName}`);
return {
filePath: require.resolve(normalizedPackageName),
normalizedPackageName = naming.normalizePackageName(filePath, "eslint-config");
debug(`Attempting to resolve ${normalizedPackageName}`);
return {
filePath: resolver.resolve(normalizedPackageName, getLookupPath(relativeTo)),
configFullName: filePath
* Loads a configuration file from the given file path.
* @param {Object} resolvedPath The value from calling resolve() on a filename or package name.
* @param {Config} configContext Plugins context
* @returns {Object} The configuration information.
function loadFromDisk(resolvedPath, configContext) {
const dirname = path.dirname(resolvedPath.filePath),
lookupPath = getLookupPath(dirname);
let config = loadConfigFile(resolvedPath);
if (config) {
// ensure plugins are properly loaded first
if (config.plugins) {
// include full path of parser if present
if (config.parser) {
if (isFilePath(config.parser)) {
config.parser = path.resolve(dirname || "", config.parser);
} else {
config.parser = resolver.resolve(config.parser, lookupPath);
const ruleMap = configContext.linterContext.getRules();
// validate the configuration before continuing
validator.validate(config, ruleMap.get.bind(ruleMap), configContext.linterContext.environments, resolvedPath.configFullName);
* If an `extends` property is defined, it represents a configuration file to use as
* a "parent". Load the referenced file and merge the configuration recursively.
if (config.extends) {
config = applyExtends(config, configContext, resolvedPath.filePath, dirname);
return config;
* Loads a config object, applying extends if present.
* @param {Object} configObject a config object to load
* @param {Config} configContext Context for the config instance
* @returns {Object} the config object with extends applied if present, or the passed config if not
* @private
function loadObject(configObject, configContext) {
return configObject.extends ? applyExtends(configObject, configContext, "") : configObject;
* Loads a config object from the config cache based on its filename, falling back to the disk if the file is not yet
* cached.
* @param {string} filePath the path to the config file
* @param {Config} configContext Context for the config instance
* @param {string} [relativeTo] The path to resolve relative to.
* @returns {Object} the parsed config object (empty object if there was a parse error)
* @private
function load(filePath, configContext, relativeTo) {
const resolvedPath = resolve(filePath, relativeTo);
const cachedConfig = configContext.configCache.getConfig(resolvedPath.configFullName);
if (cachedConfig) {
return cachedConfig;
const config = loadFromDisk(resolvedPath, configContext);
if (config) {
config.filePath = resolvedPath.filePath;
config.baseDirectory = path.dirname(resolvedPath.filePath);
configContext.configCache.setConfig(resolvedPath.configFullName, config);
return config;
* Checks whether the given filename points to a file
* @param {string} filename A path to a file
* @returns {boolean} `true` if a file exists at the given location
function isExistingFile(filename) {
try {
return fs.statSync(filename).isFile();
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT") {
return false;
throw err;
// Public Interface
module.exports = {
* Retrieves the configuration filename for a given directory. It loops over all
* of the valid configuration filenames in order to find the first one that exists.
* @param {string} directory The directory to check for a config file.
* @returns {?string} The filename of the configuration file for the directory
* or null if there is no configuration file in the directory.
getFilenameForDirectory(directory) {
return CONFIG_FILES.map(filename => path.join(directory, filename)).find(isExistingFile) || null;