swagger: "2.0" info: description: "API Dokumentation for keksAccount oAuth Service." version: "1.0.0" title: "KeksAccount" contact: email: "admin@keks.cloud" license: name: "Apache 2.0" url: "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" host: "api.account.keks.cloud" basePath: "/api/v1" tags: - name: "account" description: "The User-Account" - name: "user" description: "Register and Login to an Account" - name: "admin" description: "Calls for the Admin users only" - name: "apps" description: "Information and Actions about Apps" schemes: - "https" paths: /user/register: post: tags: - "user" summary: "Register a new Account" description: "Possible if registration is enabled or the request contains a valide invide" produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: formData name: username description: "Username for the new User" required: true type: string - in: formData name: password description: "Password for the new User" required: true type: string - in: formData name: mail description: "A valide E-Mail adress for the User" required: true type: string - in: formData name: invite description: "If the user have an invite code to create the account" required: false type: string - in: formData name: g-recaptcha-response description: "If google recaptcha is enabled for account creation this parameter is requierd" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: "User Account crated" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/User' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" 400: description: "Register disabled, you may can register with an valide invite code" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "Registration disabled" 422: description: "Some of the data ar missing or invalide, see data in the response object for details" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: username: type: array items: type: string example: "The username field is required." password: type: array items: type: string example: "The password field is required." mail: type: array items: type: string example: "The mail field is required." success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "The given data was invalid." /user/login: post: tags: - "user" summary: "Login to an Account with Username/Passwort" description: "Login with Passwort for the keksAccount GUI, dont use this in your Application." produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: formData name: username description: "Username" required: true type: string - in: formData name: password description: "Password" required: true type: string responses: 200: description: "Login succesfull" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for the user" token_type: type: "string" description: "Typ of the Token" example: "" success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" 400: description: "Register disabled, you may can register with an valide invite code" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "Registration disabled" 422: description: "Some of the data ar missing or invalide, see data in the response object for details" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: username: type: array items: type: string example: "The username field is required." password: type: array items: type: string example: "The password field is required." success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "The given data was invalid." /user/captcha: get: tags: - "user" summary: "Return the Captcha Key and Settings" description: "Return the Google Recaptcha Key and the list of actions the captcha is enabled/required for" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "Captcha Informations" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: key: type: "string" description: "Pubplic Recaptcha code" login: type: "boolean" description: "Show captcha if the User want to loging" example: true register: type: "boolean" description: "Show captcha if the User want to register" example: true success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" /user/invites: get: tags: - "user" summary: "Return information about an invite code" description: "" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: code description: "The invite code" required: true type: string responses: 200: description: "Captcha Informations" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: usable: type: "boolean" example: true description: "If the value is true the invite code is valide and can be used to register a new account" username: type: "string" description: "If a username is set the user have to use this username for the registration" example: "" success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" 404: description: "Invite code not found" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "Resource not Found" /user/me: get: tags: - "user" summary: "Return information about the current User" description: "" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "Found user and return informations" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/User' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" 401: description: "Not logged in" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "You need to login" /account: get: tags: - "account" - "admin" summary: "ADMIN! Return a list of all users" description: "Return a list with all users in the system." parameters: - in: query name: page description: "Which page should be returned" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: "Found user and return informations" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/User' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" pagination: type: "object" properties: currentPage: type: integer pageCount: type: integer itemsPerPage: type: integer 401: description: "Not logged in" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "You need to login" 403: description: "You dont have the permission to see this data" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "You need to login" /account/{id}: get: tags: - "account" - "admin" summary: "ADMIN! Return a User object" description: "" parameters: - in: path name: id description: "User ID to get details from" required: true type: string responses: 200: description: "Found user and return informations" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/User' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" pagination: type: "object" properties: currentPage: type: integer pageCount: type: integer itemsPerPage: type: integer 401: description: "Not logged in" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "You need to login" 403: description: "You dont have the permission to see this data" schema: type: "object" properties: success: type: "boolean" example: false msg: type: "string" example: "You need to login" /app: get: tags: - "apps" summary: "Return a list of the Users Apps" description: "" responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AppForOwner' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" pagination: type: "object" properties: currentPage: type: integer pageCount: type: integer itemsPerPage: type: integer /app/find: get: tags: - "apps" summary: "Find Apps on the given Informations" description: "If no paramtes are given it will return a complete list of all Apps" parameters: - in: query name: apiKey description: "Search an app based on the API-Key" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/App' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" pagination: type: "object" properties: currentPage: type: integer pageCount: type: integer itemsPerPage: type: integer /app/{id}: get: tags: - "apps" summary: "Return information about an app" description: "If the User is owner of the App it will return a AppForOwner Object, if not just an App bject." parameters: - in: path name: id description: "App ID" required: true type: string responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/App' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" put: tags: - "apps" summary: "Update App Details" description: "" produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: path name: id required: true type: integer - in: formData name: name description: "Name of the app" required: false type: string - in: formData name: description description: "Description of the App" required: false type: string - in: formData name: url description: "App Webpage URL" required: false type: string - in: formData name: direct_url description: "Direct Login URL" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/AppForOwner' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" /app/{id}/access: get: tags: - "apps" - "oAuth" summary: "Return Access Information about the current user and this App" description: "If the App is auto_accept it will direct creat and return a access object with allowd status. If status is allowed you can redirect the user back to the app." produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: path name: id description: "App ID" required: true type: string responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/AppAccess' success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" /app/{id}/access/allow: post: tags: - "apps" - "oAuth" summary: "Set the Access to allow and return an appCode/redirectURL" description: "If the user clicks on the 'Login to XY' button this endpoint create the code for the App and a return url, the gui redirect the User to this url to finish the login" produces: - "application/json" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: path name: id description: "App ID" required: true type: string - in: formData name: redirect_uri description: "The Redirect URL given by the App as GET-Paremter" required: true type: string - in: formData name: state description: "Give from the APP as GET-Parameter" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: "List of Apps" schema: type: "object" properties: data: type: "object" properties: appCode: type: string description: "Code for the App to create a oAuth Bear and oAuth Refresh token with" redirectUrl: type: string description: "URL to redirect the user to, contains all needet informations." success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" /oauth/authorize: get: tags: - "oAuth" summary: "Entry Point for Apps to start oAuth workflow" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: client_id description: "API-Key for the App the login should be started" required: true type: string - in: query name: redirect_uri description: "URL to redirect the user back if he want to join the app" required: true type: string - in: query name: state description: "Param from the App, added to the redirect url" required: false type: string responses: 200: description: Return a HTML view or redirect the user to a HTML-View to give Access to the App /oauth/token: post: tags: - "oAuth" summary: "Get Beare Access Token and Refresh Token from AppCode" consumes: - "multipart/form-data" - "application/json" parameters: - in: formData name: code description: "Code give from the GET-Request the user is redirectet to." required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Token is valide, the user has logged in schema: type: object properties: access_token: type: string description: Access Token (bearer) token_type: type: string example: "bearer" expires_in: type: integer example: 3600 description: How long until the tolen expired refresh_token: type: string description: "Refresh tolen to create a new Access Token" /server/settings: post: tags: - "server" summary: "Get the Server-Settings" responses: 200: description: Token is valide, the user has logged in schema: type: object properties: data: type: "array" items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the Setting description: type: string description: "Description what the setting is doing" typ: type: string description: "What kind of setting is it" enum: - checkbox - textinput - password value: type: string description: "Value, type based on the typ of the setting" success: type: "boolean" example: true msg: type: "string" example: "" definitions: User: type: "object" properties: id: type: "integer" format: "int64" example: 18 username: type: "string" example: "testaccount" created_at: type: "string" format: "DateTime" example: "2019-07-17T13:37:40.000000Z" updated_at: type: "string" format: "DateTime" example: "2019-07-17T13:37:40.000000Z" primaryMail: type: "string" format: "mail" example: "mail@example.com" status: type: "string" description: "Account Status" example: "active" enum: - "active" inviteCode: type: "string" example: "sdjfios" description: "Invite Code used to register this Account" developer: type: "boolean" example: false description: "If the user is a developer Account (Can create new Apps)" admin: type: "boolean" example: false description: "If the user is a admin Account" AppForOwner: type: "object" properties: id: type: integer description: "ID of the APP" example: 42 created_at: type: string description: "Time the App was created" example: "2019-04-25T13:54:29.000000Z" updated_at: type: string description: "Last time the App was updated" example: "2019-07-17T09:23:13.000000Z" name: type: string description: "Name of the App" example: "Gitea" description: type: string description: "Description of the App" example: "Self-hostet Git server for our organisation" url: type: string description: "URL of the Webpage of the App" example: "https://git.keks.cloud" directUrl: type: string description: "Link to log the user in the App, if the user is alweady give access to the App this link should rederect the user direct to the Dashboard" example: "https://git.keks.cloud/user/oauth2/KeksAccount" apiKey: type: string description: "The API-Key for the App" apiSecret: type: string description: "The API-Secret for the App" properties: type: object properties: testingWarning: type: boolean description: "Show a warning at the App-Page that the App is in Testing-Modus" autoAccept: type: boolean description: "User don't have to accept to go to the app, if user is at the oAuth-Accept page he will direct redirect to the app" untrustedWarning: type: boolean description: "Show a warning that the app is untrusted" showOnWebpage: type: boolean description: "Show the App on the Startpage of the Webpage" stopAutoRedirect: type: boolean description: "User alwasy have to click at the oAuth-Accept page to get redirect" hideInAppList: type: boolean description: "User don't see this App in his App list" userCantRemoveApp: type: boolean description: "User can't revoe access to this App in his App list" access: type: object properties: oAuth: type: boolean description: "App can use oAuth to autorize user" api: type: boolean description: "App can make API Calls" update_apps: type: boolean description: "App can make Updates to the users app (if the user is developer)" update_profile: type: boolean description: "App can update the Users Profile" update_access: type: boolean description: "App can revoke users Access to other Apps" read_access: type: boolean description: "App can read users information from the api (Currently unimportend)" read_apps: type: boolean description: "App can get a list of the users apps" read_profile: type: boolean description: "App can read the profile from the user" App: type: "object" properties: id: type: integer description: "ID of the APP" example: 42 name: type: string description: "Name of the App" example: "Gitea" description: type: string description: "Description of the App" example: "Self-hostet Git server for our organisation" url: type: string description: "URL of the Webpage of the App" example: "https://git.keks.cloud" directUrl: type: string description: "Link to log the user in the App, if the user is alweady give access to the App this link should rederect the user direct to the Dashboard" example: "https://git.keks.cloud/user/oauth2/KeksAccount" properties: type: object properties: testingWarning: type: boolean description: "Show a warning at the App-Page that the App is in Testing-Modus" autoAccept: type: boolean description: "User don't have to accept to go to the app, if user is at the oAuth-Accept page he will direct redirect to the app" untrustedWarning: type: boolean description: "Show a warning that the app is untrusted" showOnWebpage: type: boolean description: "Show the App on the Startpage of the Webpage" stopAutoRedirect: type: boolean description: "User alwasy have to click at the oAuth-Accept page to get redirect" hideInAppList: type: boolean description: "User don't see this App in his App list" userCantRemoveApp: type: boolean description: "User can't revoe access to this App in his App list" access: type: object properties: oAuth: type: boolean description: "App can use oAuth to autorize user" api: type: boolean description: "App can make API Calls" update_apps: type: boolean description: "App can make Updates to the users app (if the user is developer)" update_profile: type: boolean description: "App can update the Users Profile" update_access: type: boolean description: "App can revoke users Access to other Apps" read_access: type: boolean description: "App can read users information from the api (Currently unimportend)" read_apps: type: boolean description: "App can get a list of the users apps" read_profile: type: boolean description: "App can read the profile from the user" AppAccess: type: object properties: app_id: type: integer description: ID of the App user_id: type: integer description: ID of the User status: type: string enum: - "created" - "allowed" - "disabled"