get("/api/v1/admin/app"); $this->assertEquals(401, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $this->seeJson(["data" => [], "success" => false, "msg" => "You need to login"]); } public function testlistAllAppsUserButNoAdmin() { $user = new \App\Models\User(); $this->actingAs($user); $this->get("/api/v1/admin/app"); $this->assertEquals(403, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $this->seeJson(["data" => [], "success" => false, "msg" => "You don't have the permission for this call"]); } public function testlistAllAppsUser() { $user = new \App\Models\User(); $user->admin = true; $app = new \App\Data\Entity\App(); $app->name = "FooBar"; $app->access_api = true; $appRepositoryMock = Mockery::mock(\App\Data\Repository\AppRepository::class); $appRepositoryMock->shouldReceive("getAllApps")->once()->andReturn(collect([$app])); $this->app->instance(\App\Data\Repository\AppRepository::class, $appRepositoryMock); $this->actingAs($user); $this->get("/api/v1/admin/app"); $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $this->seeJson(array( 'data' => array ( 0 => array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'FooBar', 'description' => NULL, 'directUrl' => NULL, 'url' => NULL, 'iconURL' => NULL, 'properties' => array( 'testingWarning' => false, 'untrustedWarning' => false, 'showOnWebpage' => false, 'stopAutoRedirect' => false, 'hideInAppList' => false, 'userCantRemoveApp' => false, ), 'access' => array( 'oAuth' => false, 'api' => true, 'update_apps' => false, 'update_profile' => false, 'update_access' => false, 'read_access' => false, 'read_apps' => false, 'read_profile' => false, ), ), ), 'success' => true, 'msg' => NULL, )); } public function testUpdateAppPropertiesWithoutUser() { $this->put("/api/v1/admin/app/1/properties"); $this->assertEquals(401, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $this->seeJson(["data" => [], "success" => false, "msg" => "You need to login"]); } public function testUpdateAppPropertiesUserButNoAdmin() { $user = new \App\Models\User(); $this->actingAs($user); $this->put("/api/v1/admin/app/1/properties"); $this->assertEquals(403, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $this->seeJson(["data" => [], "success" => false, "msg" => "You don't have the permission for this call"]); } public function testUpdateAppProperties() { $this->assertTrue(true); } }