
50 lines
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2024-11-26 23:25:09 +01:00
{{ $bookSection := default "docs" .Site.Params.BookSection }}
{{ if eq $bookSection "*" }}
{{ $bookSection = "/" }}{{/* Backward compatibility */}}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.GetPage $bookSection }}
{{ template "book-section-children" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $) }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-section-children" }}{{/* (dict "Section" .Section "CurrentPage" .CurrentPage) */}}
{{ range (where .Section.Pages "Params.bookHidden" "ne" true) }}
{{ if .IsSection }}
<li {{- if .Params.BookFlatSection }} class="book-section-flat" {{ end -}}>
{{ template "book-page-link" (dict "Page" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ template "book-section-children" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ else if and .IsPage .Content }}
{{ template "book-page-link" (dict "Page" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-page-link" }}{{/* (dict "Page" .Page "CurrentPage" .CurrentPage) */}}
{{ $current := eq .CurrentPage .Page }}
{{ $ancestor := .Page.IsAncestor .CurrentPage }}
{{ if .Page.Params.BookCollapseSection }}
<input type="checkbox" id="section-{{ md5 .Page }}" class="toggle" {{ if or $current $ancestor }}checked{{ end }} />
<label for="section-{{ md5 .Page }}" class="flex justify-between">
<a {{ if .Page.Content }}href="{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}"{{ else }}role="button"{{ end }} class="{{ if $current }}active{{ end }}">
{{- partial "docs/title" .Page -}}
{{ else if .Page.Params.BookHref }}
<a href="{{ .Page.Params.BookHref }}" class="{{ if $current }}active{{ end }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
{{- partial "docs/title" .Page -}}
{{ else if .Page.Content }}
<a href="{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}" class="{{ if $current }}active{{ end }}">
{{- partial "docs/title" .Page -}}
{{ else }}
<span>{{- partial "docs/title" .Page -}}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}